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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Mission fuel skates on Hockeygiant

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i tried on both of the fuel skates at the hockey expo in the minnesota high school hockey tournament the silver one's that are supposed to be more like the vapor xxx's felt really stiff and i didnt like em that much but the black ones were super comfy and i liked the lower cut

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The L7s have a Pitch 3 Holder, but the Fuels have a Pitch 2. What's the difference?

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The material on the 95 XP isn't that great.....

Care to elaborate? I can't see durability being a problem already (since the skate is not really even released).

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Feels thin and not that stiff compared to my vector pro.

AGs aren't supposed to be stiff.

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didn't see them in the hockey giant anaheim store today (4/9).

they did get the intake in though...i picked one up in fact :]

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Hang in there because most of the Mission new line should be out very shortly. Already seen them at several hockey outlets here in T.O. B)

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