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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How far is HHOF from Niagra Falls?

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Hey guys, myself and some friends are planning a trip north of the border to visit Niagra Falls. How far away is the hockey hall of fame? How many hours could we spend there (Ie would the time to travel there stricktly for the hall be worth it?)

Still 19 to drink in canada btw?

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According to Google Maps, about one hour and 50 minutes.


No, I drove it, although I didn't face heavy traffic leaving downtown Toronto or at the border. The highway portion was about seventy minutes. It's possibly longer going through the town to where one would park for the Falls, and near downtown Toronto.

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According to Google Maps, about one hour and 50 minutes.


No, I drove it, although I didn't face heavy traffic leaving downtown Toronto or at the border. The highway portion was about seventy minutes. It's possibly longer going through the town to where one would park for the Falls, and near downtown Toronto.

It's usually around 90 minutes when I go.

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Going to college at Niagara U. We took a trip there after a college visit. It took about an hour and 45 minutes. The traffic was bad in some spots, I'd say if you get a clear shot, hour and a half.

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According to Google Maps, about one hour and 50 minutes.


No, I drove it, although I didn't face heavy traffic leaving downtown Toronto or at the border. The highway portion was about seventy minutes. It's possibly longer going through the town to where one would park for the Falls, as well as near downtown Toronto.

It's usually around 90 minutes when I go.

Looking at Mapquest, it's possible that we were the beneficiaries of no traffic. Mapquest says they are 80.74 miles apart and estimates an 88 minute trip. We were staying at a hotel two blocks from the HHOF, and left around 10:00 AM when there was little traffic.

I probably drove between 65 to 75 MPH the whole way, depending on the propensity of running into a Mountie. No idea how fast the horses go..... :D

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