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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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thin feeling sticks

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k so my problem is i had im out growing my int sl in a hurry

i think im ready for a senior stick but whenever i use a teamsmates it always feels so big and bulky

i've tried out a tps xn10, 05 synergy, black beaty but they feel too thick

any thin senior stick out there?

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Maybe a CCM Vector contoured OPS or shaft. I have one, and it's easier to roll in the fingers.

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The SL is thin.

Edit: Is it the length or flex that your are growing out of? If it's only the length you could look at a CCM/RBK Int. stick. Those are just about as long as a Sr. Easton plus their thinner.

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may want to check the new NBH sr 77 flex..they may have some reduced dimensions

also kudos to NBH for having a chart in their catalog that shows the effect on flex when you cut down a stick...and its new flex upon doing so..

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mission shafts are thinner grip: m-1, l-2, hex-1, etc. I haven't seen their new sticks at any LHS but I'd imagine they'll continue their thin shaft trend.

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are you outgrowing sizewise? if so, i second CCM/RBK. they have 2 intermediate flexes, light (approximately 65), and mid flex i believe (approx. 80), so probably go with the mid flex int ccm or rbk.

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Congratulations. Now you have to buy more expensive sticks. I use the Vapor XV shaft and it feels perfect. I have 2 but I think they have diffrent handle shapes. One more round than the other. I havn't ever used the round one but the square one feels good around my hands, and my hands arn't that big. A problem is I don't think they make these shafts anymore and they replaced them with the Endure shaft. I havn't felt one of those so I couldn't tell you about the shape. I've also had a SL and a Stealth and they conformed to my hands perfectly. So I would recomend those 3.

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so much for outgrowing

POC snapped at the heel this morning > : (

ugh oh well on the market for a new twig

thanks for the help guys

im guessing the bauer or stealth(maybe)

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yea i was looking at the salming sticks and gloves on line

number 1: do u stock any white pg1's? cuase those look amazing

number 2: im used to the 430 gram range of stick so can u get a hand on some tf evolutions? only the salming canada has them on ebay and they wont ship to the US

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