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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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U of M Equipment Sale

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Just a heads up the U of M equipment sale is SATURDAY April 15th at 9:00 am at Yost Arena. The sale usually is pretty well stocked with a wide range of new and used equipment at decent prices. I usually arrive an hour or so ahead of time and by that point the line to get in is fairly long, so i recommend arriving early if your looking for something specific.

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Maybe I'm just ignorant, but I'm wondering ... Maine? Moncton? Michigan? Minnisota? I've got a friend who's playing for U of M (Moncton) right now (well not right now but during the season).

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Ive thought Miami Fl was simply -the U-, Michigan always -U of M-, Minnesota -the U of M-, and Maine -U Maine- much like U Mass, other than that I really dont care about other 'M' schools

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Guest Muck

Cryami (Florida) is the University of Miami, Miami of Ohio is Miami University. Here in Columbus, home of THE Ohio State University, U of M is the University of Michigan (great school, so since there can only be one U of M, that's the one).

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Just a heads up the U of M equipment sale is April 14th at 9:00 am at Yost Arena. The sale usually is pretty well stocked with a wide range of new and used equipment at decent prices. I usually arrive an hour or so ahead of time and by that point the line to get in is fairly long, so i recommend arriving early if your looking for something specific.

Yost Arena, Means Michigan. Is there any way to give you money for anything? I'd tip you pritty good lol.

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For those who've gone in the past, do you have any idea what prices are like for a pair of gloves? I'm just trying to justify an hour of driving on a friday morning :)

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Anyone know how much the helmets run (preferably a Hensick or Cogliano)? As a HUGE Michigan fan, I've been looking to get my hands on an authentic one for awhile now. Anyone out that way that could possibly do some shopping for me? It would be much appreciated - your efforts would not go un-rewarded.

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Guest Muck
Oh boy, rule #1. Don't piss off the admin of this site.

Please explain... I thought the word great was a compliment. Hmmm... :blink:

Whatever, dude.

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Oh boy, rule #1. Don't piss off the admin of this site.

You're gonna have to change the MSH Rule Book then because currently:

Rule #1 is "If you don't have anything useful to add, don't say anything. Disagreement can be good and is perfectly acceptable. Don't take it personally if someone disagrees with you."

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Chill out man, mine was a joke too...

I was just disagreeing with you, don't take it personally (to paraphrase Rule #1). :P

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Guest Muck

Gotcha. Thought you were talking about the U of M compliment. Cryami is in reference to the 2002 NC Game. My respect lies with THE U of M, not "the U." I probably despise "the U" football program more than any athletic club in the world. In large part because of that "TE" named Winslow. At any rate, I stick by my guns. ;)

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Im pretty sure last year any new pair of gloves were $60 and used were $40 i think. Gloves go pretty damn fast, by the time i got in last year any pair worth while were long gone.

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Moncton is UdM!

Depends on who you ask. I would be inclined to agree with you, but some of our more monolingual friends in Moncton prefer to call it U of M, still bitter over the fact that it was supposed to be a bilingual university. All I gotta say is ... get over it. If they didn't have the quebecois ruling the roster, the team would suck anyways!

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