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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike Bauer Supreme One90 Sr Gloves for sale

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haha, i want what fits best and helps me feel my stick, i wouldnt base my decision to buy or not buy something because they are "such ugly gloves"

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A little off topic but, does that mean that the vapor xx and xxx will be discontinued for 06

Nope. XXX and XX are available and unchanged for 06.

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ok your right... after looking at that last pic there is no question... :( except... where can i get one and soon!! i want them sooooo bad. anyone have any luck finding out what the black and white version looks like?

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Naslund picture: Right glove thumb features traditional thumb pocket with tab. Retail version has no tab as the thumb moves without the tab! Naslund has quite the custom spec glove.

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those last pics of the red ones worries me. does the one90 gloves have that lobster thumb design like the nike quest and bauer XX series? i'm very picky when it comes to that cause i find the thumbs on most gloves are just to big and get in my way.

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The thumb on the One90 glove is not nearly as big as you may think it is. Hold onto your shorts until you have the gloves in your hands. They are due to be shipped late June early July.

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nice.... B) but what did you mean late june? :( i thought someone said middle of this month? i need those gloves NOW and can't wait a few months! :angry:

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my quest 1's are still good for at least 2 more season cause i take very good care of my stuff but the new roller season is starting next week for me and i want something new! :P

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