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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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SL Feel

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you play roller hockey, if I were you, I'd use the most whipiest stick known to man, as back when I used to play roller, I'd have a howeitzer from anywhere with low flex sticks.

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do you play with a ball or puck?

For the feel question: I think there is 3 kind of feel.

1)Shock absorbing blade,dampening effect a la adrenaline,sicore,XV.

2) Kind of dead feel, no dampening feel or hotter blade.reg synergy,v110.

3)Hotter feel:IMO this feeling is weird,the blade feel like a rock,so stiff that you will have the impression that the puck weight 3lb.before 2-3hrs of ice time, the puck will just bouce of your blade, but after you will really feel the blade on your stick because of this weird feeling.

i.e:My Z-carbon sicore brand new: felt like this,SL,Stealth(not exactly the same),xn10

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i was 15

you should be able to feel where a puck is on your stick regardless of blade. if you cant do it witha composite, use a wood. if you cant with a wood, start another sport like knitting

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i used a koho revolution jr stick, small stick and light and whippy as hell, nastiness

I used an int stick when I played inline. I love the extra whip.

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I agree Ive had about 6 SL's and skated 6 days a week and I loved the feel of the SL best feel IMO. Yes the durability is Sh*tty and after awhile it seems like it loses some feel but not much, I can only notice the loss when I did touch passes, but if you got the cash to buy one, Id go for it.

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Yea, a good feel is not only knowing where the puck is on your stick... A ceramic-like feel, hard as a rock blade, hard impact when you receive a pass is, i think, considered a bad feel (Z-carbon). A dampening feel, softer impact on passes, wood-like blade = good feel. (Bauer XV)

Sorry but i have no idea about the SL :o

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