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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ccm vector pro's

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I tried a few pairs of vector pro's on. Only problem is, they didn't have a 7.5 which is probably a perfect fitting boot for me. I tried a size 8e on, and they were a little tight in the forefoot area, and my toes weren't quite touching the end of the boot. My question is, would baking them get rid of the the (little) tightness around my forefoot? Or, would you suggest going up to an EE width? My heel fits perfectly in a "D" width skate. So, I'm a little reluctant moving up another width. Also, I know some of you work at hockey shops. Do any of you have any of these for sale in a 7.5e? I've tried numerous online stores / lhs's, and haven't found any. Here's a few I've tried:


hockeymonkey - went there in person


thehockeyshop.ca - currently down - updating site



Also, if the 7.5 doesn't fit me as well as I expected, whats your return policy? These won't be sharpened or baked etc etc. until I know they fit perfect.

Thanks in advance.


Another Q - Whats the difference between the Vector Pro boot and the ZG130 boot? The runners are the obvious difference. And, CCM's site has the same product features for each boot.

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i dont think so, i have 9.5 EE vector pro's and i didnt get them custom, but yah those are a pretty good choice, and ur forefoot area should loosin up with the bakin, but one thing you have to watch with the vector is the first eyelid right at the top ripping thru the material.

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i dont think so, i have 9.5 EE vector pro's and i didnt get them custom, but yah those are a pretty good choice, and ur forefoot area should loosin up with the bakin, but one thing you have to watch with the vector is the first eyelid right at the top ripping thru the material.

Fredrick is right CCM only makes an E width for retail. Did you get pro stock skates?

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The only thing about CCM is their E width skate is the equivilent to a EE in a lot of other brands like Bauer, Graf and Missions. I believe Easton is very close to CCM but their toe box is a bit narrower. ;)

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The boot on the ZG130 and the Pro is identical. The spec sheets are the same, I have seen them both/tried them both on/skated on one (for about an hour, had to send it back after that). Unless I'm totally missing something, there is no difference.

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I just can't believe that the T-blades cost less that the E-blade

In my experience, the t'blade holder is a cheap piece of garbage that breaks as easily as the plactic in a McDonald's cup lid. And apparently that's they made it to perform, if you talk to the CCM warantly people/representatives. So if it costs nothing to make, and will break in less time than it takes to lace up skates, why should they charge you very much for it?

Put it this way, I've owned 2 pairs of skates with CCM e-blades in the past 5 years, and they have both lasted a year or more. Which is a year or more than any t'blade holder I've skated on has lasted. Is this a question of quality? I dunno I only skated on them.

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I just can't believe that the T-blades cost less that the E-blade

In my experience, the t'blade holder is a cheap piece of garbage that breaks as easily as the plactic in a McDonald's cup lid. And apparently that's they made it to perform, if you talk to the CCM warantly people/representatives. So if it costs nothing to make, and will break in less time than it takes to lace up skates, why should they charge you very much for it?

Put it this way, I've owned 2 pairs of skates with CCM e-blades in the past 5 years, and they have both lasted a year or more. Which is a year or more than any t'blade holder I've skated on has lasted. Is this a question of quality? I dunno I only skated on them.


Nevermind.. youre not even worth argueing with..

Some people dont like tblades.. get over it and quit bitching.

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I just can't believe that the T-blades cost less that the E-blade

In my experience, the t'blade holder is a cheap piece of garbage that breaks as easily as the plactic in a McDonald's cup lid. And apparently that's they made it to perform, if you talk to the CCM warantly people/representatives. So if it costs nothing to make, and will break in less time than it takes to lace up skates, why should they charge you very much for it?

Put it this way, I've owned 2 pairs of skates with CCM e-blades in the past 5 years, and they have both lasted a year or more. Which is a year or more than any t'blade holder I've skated on has lasted. Is this a question of quality? I dunno I only skated on them.


Nevermind.. youre not even worth argueing with..

Some people dont like tblades.. get over it and quit bitching.

I'm not worth arguing with? What if I love t'blades. I think t'blades are great. The edge is great, good blade, love the turning, love the stopping, love the performance. Cause I do. So am I now worth talking with? Please have better manners, even if you don't feel like being nice to anyone.

Go back and re-read the post before you think I was saying I didn't like t'blades. I do like t'blades. I was saying that the HOLDERS are cheap in quality in my experience, and CCM told me that was a normal and good experience. I now consider, if I had to rate the quality of the holder, as (D) for "DISPOSABLE." Meaning if you get one game out of them before they are broken, that is "normal use." According to them.

::Edit:: make that "one easy skate out of them" because come to think of it, I didn't even get a single game out of mine, they broke during an easy 60min skate. And P.S. I was not bitching :lol:

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So, the Vector Pro and the ZG130 boot are exactly the same? As far as the holder, I'm planning on putting my ls2's on. And, depending on which skate I purchase, I'll probably try the holder it comes with regardless.

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I just can't believe that the T-blades cost less that the E-blade

In my experience, the t'blade holder is a cheap piece of garbage that breaks as easily as the plactic in a McDonald's cup lid. And apparently that's they made it to perform, if you talk to the CCM warantly people/representatives. So if it costs nothing to make, and will break in less time than it takes to lace up skates, why should they charge you very much for it?

Put it this way, I've owned 2 pairs of skates with CCM e-blades in the past 5 years, and they have both lasted a year or more. Which is a year or more than any t'blade holder I've skated on has lasted. Is this a question of quality? I dunno I only skated on them.


Nevermind.. youre not even worth argueing with..

Some people dont like tblades.. get over it and quit bitching.

I'm not worth arguing with? What if I love t'blades. I think t'blades are great. The edge is great, good blade, love the turning, love the stopping, love the performance. Cause I do. So am I now worth talking with? Please have better manners, even if you don't feel like being nice to anyone.

Go back and re-read the post before you think I was saying I didn't like t'blades. I do like t'blades. I was saying that the HOLDERS are cheap in quality in my experience, and CCM told me that was a normal and good experience. I now consider, if I had to rate the quality of the holder, as (D) for "DISPOSABLE." Meaning if you get one game out of them before they are broken, that is "normal use." According to them.

::Edit:: make that "one easy skate out of them" because come to think of it, I didn't even get a single game out of mine, they broke during an easy 60min skate. And P.S. I was not bitching :lol:

and yet you failed to mention any of the positive points of tblades...

read your post? i did.. I even quoted it.

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I failed to mention the positive points of t'blades because that is not what mew was asking about... he was asking about how those holders could be cheaper than e-blade holders. "Cheaper" is an adjective of quality. So I addressed the issue of quality, hoping not to entangle any part of the discussion in stupidity about t'blade vrs. traditional. So that's all I'm talking about... the quality/durability as per my experiences. You're welcome to say that they more durable/of higher quality than e-blades if that is your experience. DO you have considerable experience with e-blades? How many pairs do you own? How about t'blades? I have 3 pairs of e-blades skates and 2 pairs of t'blade skates, all CCM. Please share your experiences.

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Hey kasparaitis I probably have a very similar foot to yours, and while I have a ZG130/Vector Pro boot (9.5E) I have not yet baked it. I have only skated a couple times on the boot, but it has been a little tight (withways) on me. No doubt baking would help that problem, I won't guarantee that it will solve it. Like all the good guys on this forum say, if you want a guarantee, get your feet measured.

If you really feel you need/could wear for comfort a CCM EE size, look into pro returns. I found out recently that Alexander Ovechkin has the exact foot size as I do, and so all his pro return Vector Pros are 9.5EE. Eastwesthockey has a couple pairs. Of course 9.5 is too big for you, but you never know, maybe some other pro has the same foot size as you do. For me the discovery was dampened by the resolution (not New Years, just the regular type) that I will not give my money to CCM any more.

I don't own a LHS or anything, but I'll help you with some of my own experiences. I'd sell you one of my pairs of ZG130's if they weren't a size too big for you!

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I failed to mention the positive points of t'blades because that is not what mew was asking about... he was asking about how those holders could be cheaper than e-blade holders. "Cheaper" is an adjective of quality. So I addressed the issue of quality, hoping not to entangle any part of the discussion in stupidity about t'blade vrs. traditional. So that's all I'm talking about... the quality/durability as per my experiences. You're welcome to say that they more durable/of higher quality than e-blades if that is your experience. DO you have considerable experience with e-blades? How many pairs do you own? How about t'blades? I have 3 pairs of e-blades skates and 2 pairs of t'blade skates, all CCM. Please share your experiences.

Yes, I have used e-holders.

I have skated in....

Tuuks, Cobras, proforms, eblades and tblades.....

"::Edit:: make that "one easy skate out of them" because come to think of it, I didn't even get a single game out of mine, they broke during an easy 60min skate. And P.S. I was not bitching"

Wait.. im confused.

In another thread, you stated that you used them for 6 games?.. which is it 60 min? or 6 games? Are you talking about the 10 minutes you played in each game? (if thats true, then maybe you should pick up another sport.. 1 shift a period is kinda weak eh?).

I wasn't going to state my opinion about e-blades because it wasn't exactly postive. I felt like they were a cheap ripoff of tuuks and much prefered my proforms.

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Wait.. im confused.

In another thread, you stated that you used them for 6 games?.. which is it 60 min? or 6 games? Are you talking about the 10 minutes you played in each game? (if thats true, then maybe you should pick up another sport.. 1 shift a period is kinda weak eh?).

Don't be confused I bought 2 pairs of skates from them right? One pair I bought, skated one once and they nad a hold in them. The second pair I bought (at their advice) and got them shipped to me JUST in time for a big road trip. That road trip + the post season = 6 games, give or take.

As to how many minutes that adds up to, I plad defense I'm probably #1 or #2 d-man I'm paired with our #4 d-man usually and sometimes I double shift as Centre for the 2nd line. So I get a lotta minutes every game, maybe not quite 40min every time but sometimes I get more than 40! :)

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well, I ended up purchasing the CCM ZG130's. I decided not to bake them as I wanted to give them a try in my game. So, I go out for warm ups. And, I felt like I was slipping all over, the only thing that felt great were my transitions, skating backwards, and of course turning. Going forward felt really weird, I felt out of control, like I was skating on ice. <_< I normally use a 9ft radius with a 1/2inch cut and these were 11ft radius with a 7/16th cut. I'm probably going to switch to my ls2 holders as that was my normal intention when purchasing this skate. I will however, purchase a set of short / 15mm blades for the tblades to experiement a little.

Thanks for the help!!


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LOL exactly like I told you it would be last night eh? You'll adapt... once you get used to it you'll fine you can naturally skate on any kind of blade. That being said, if you experiment for a while, go through a couple blades and decide it's not for you, just get some LS holders mounted on there.

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Yeah, I'm planning on experiementing a bit before i do the change. Along the same topic, I did a search on the hollow conversion for tblades, and I'm getting mixed results. Hockeygiant has one thing, epuck has another. So, do you have the correct blade hollow equivalents?

According to epuck 11mm = 1/2inch cut

According to hockeygiant 15mm = 1/2inch cut

9mm =?

11mm =?

13mm = ?

15mm =?

18mm =?

21mm =?


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Thanks. Yeah, I thought about doing the conversion. I just don't know if tblade rounds up or down. Coupled with the advertisements these two sites are listing. Very odd.

Ok, went to tblades website. And, they give a really rough estimate on the hollow conversion. I guess I'll have to use the conversion table.

Ok, another edit. I did a little more searching on their site and found the conversions.

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