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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Top Stick Performers of 05...

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Well since the new lineup of sticks are coming out, name your top 3 (or more) favourite performing sticks of 05 (excluding durability, strictly performance). Also name your highly anticipated sticks of 06. Note* this is just for fun so let's not get heated. :ph34r:

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as was said before despite durability the SL gets my vote. second place would be the xxx lite, probably first if they actually made a drury curve (kovalchuk doesnt work as well for me for some reason).

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as was said before despite durability the SL gets my vote. second place would be the xxx lite, probably first if they actually made a drury curve (kovalchuk doesnt work as well for me for some reason).

I find that the kovalchuk is a slightly higher lie.

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as was said before despite durability the SL gets my vote. second place would be the xxx lite, probably first if they actually made a drury curve (kovalchuk doesnt work as well for me for some reason).

I find that the kovalchuk is a slightly higher lie.

I agree. The Kovalchuk is just a little higher. For me, a slight length adjustment takes care of that though.

1.) SL

2.) XXX lite

3.) XX Max Stickum

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Performance for who? The top 3 scorers in the NHL are using CCM sticks.

Sure, but I'm not Jagr, Thornton, or Ovechkin. I'm me and the best performing OPS for me in '05 was the Stealth. ;)

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