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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf G9 vs 709

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I'd tell you to look at the grafcanada website but I can barely make out any of the words in the descriptions.

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I think the G9 is the high-tech version of the 709. I'm guessing that it might be up to $50 more. As said above, it has a composite outsole, which is lighter and supposedly better at transferring power.

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Guest Muck

Check out my man Paul at College Source for Sports. Met him on here, this guy hooked me up with a proper sharpening and balancing, plus cut out my arch since I have next to none. I bought my 709s from him, he's a great guy.



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so if I'm comfortable in a 709 I would comfortable in a G9?Anyone know of any graf dealers online, they're hard to find?

I would suggest going to your local dealer as their pricing should be very similar. Where are you? maybe we can help you find your local Graf dealer.

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so if I'm comfortable in a 709 I would comfortable in a G9?Anyone know of any graf dealers online, they're hard to find?

I would suggest going to your local dealer as their pricing should be very similar. Where are you? maybe we can help you find your local Graf dealer.

Scranton, PA...as far as I know there are no Graf dealers anywhere close to here.

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