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What is the proper way to block a shot?

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after reading some of these methods like "spreading out like a butterfly goalie" and "covering your nuts with your hand" id like to have a bucket of pucks to unload on some of you...

roller hockey, what do you expect? :unsure:

use your legs that should be covered by your jofa shin pads

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after reading some of these methods like "spreading out like a butterfly goalie" and "covering your nuts with your hand" id like to have a bucket of pucks to unload on some of you...

hahaahah, so funny :lol:

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after reading some of these methods like "spreading out like a butterfly goalie" and "covering your nuts with your hand" id like to have a bucket of pucks to unload on some of you...

Yeah I was wondering about that one myself... I think the guy was talking about BEING a goalie... not sure though. But I started to wonder when he said "with your blocker." Probably some smartypants goalie trying to tell us all he doesn't appreciate it when we block shots for him.

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well I'm not beign a smartypants, I've used the butterfly technique as a forward, maybe comes from playing a bit as a goalie. I only use it when I'm dead on in front of the player and he's shooting low. Normally I only use it in pickup games.

Only time I can go legs first is when I have to get over to the shooter, I can't think of anyhting I've stacked my legs when I wasn't moving towards the shooter from his side. Anyways definitle bring my arms in close when I'm sliding like I would if I was standing up, I'd rather have a bruise on my forearm, my elbow, or any other unprotected area rather than a direct shot to the chest.

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lol It's been so long since I've been on the ice and done it that I can't honestly tell you when it was.

I'm curious though is there really a proper way to block a shot so long as you block it and don't just deflect it?

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after reading some of these methods like "spreading out like a butterfly goalie" and "covering your nuts with your hand" id like to have a bucket of pucks to unload on some of you...

roller hockey, what do you expect? :blink:

use your legs that should be covered by your jofa shin pads

CCM/Jofa they both make great pads.

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