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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wacky experiment time

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Bought a pair of those Rebellion skates withthe 3d holders off of ebay that have basically been selling for nuts and twigs. They actually showed up today and lo and behold I have a game at 5:30 so they are getting the warmup test bare minimum. When I first pulled them out of the box I was like "oh @!*# NO WAY!" but I made the mistake of trying them on and they fit so perfectly that they basically convinced me to give them a shot. So basically, as long as I don't break my neck in the process of trying the things, I will share some initial impressions later. They would need more use for anything approaching a review though. The boots are very nice though. They sorta fit and feel like micron air 90 boots to me. I must admit I am skeptical about the holders though. Just based on fit however, I would consider their traditional holder models next time I need some skates. Some things of note I can say right now:

-YES, they really are as ugly as they look in the photos

-They are not particularly light

-The toecaps are lined which is awesome to me since I have never seen this before. They are also huge.

-They have a more traditional, wrap the foot fit than most curent skates.

-These aren't rock stiff boots. They have some degree of flexibility to them, especially around the eyelet area. Excellent support though.

-NO, I was not high or drunk when I bought these

-They come with the most ghetto laces I have ever seen on a skate that sells for $400

-They reek like the shoemaker......

All I have to share for now. Ask some qs if you have any interest in these things and I will try to answer them later or in the future.

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Guest 2048

What's gonna be more fun is when he goes apeshit b/c his 20 dollar skates fit and perform better than anything he's bought in the last year.

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Well, they do fit better.. Honestly, I will be disgusted if these things live up to all of Rebellion's drunken boasts from their promotional video/website b/c then I will be stuck using the whacked-looking things.

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that holder makes it look like a cheap rental skate :)

the runner is interesting though. they would look better with yellow wax laces

i wonder if u can take it off. it look like theres no rivets. it looks like its "fused" in a way on it

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Well, I played the whole game in them and I am still in one piece. I'm not so sure they are the revolutionary product Rebellion claims them to be, but they are a quality skate. Everything more or less works the same on the 3d holder as on conventional ones. The differences are actually more subtle than you'd imagine. I held back most of the game b/c I was still trying to get used to the things but the one time I went full out, I got a very respectable head of steam. I'd like to try 3d blades with deeper side hollows. I have to call and see if there is any way to identify what is in them now. I must say the boots are incredibly nice and should be seriously considered in traditional holder form if you value comfort above weight. I can't think of a more comfortable boot. I need more time on the things to give in depth opinions on their performance, but for what they're going for on ebay I don't think you can go wrong really if you want an extra pair of skates on the cheap.

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Okay, since a lot of the performance questions have or will be answered, how bad did you get ribbed for having those?

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It wasn't really mockery as it was a combination of mortification and morbid curiousity. Most ppl in my rink apparently don't know these exist. It's funny trying to explain the concept of the design when you're not sure you even buy it yourself. I really don't gaf what anyone says about my skates really. For what I paid, they were well worth a shot.

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I was just hoping for memorable carves is all. If they work, they work, no matter how fugly they are. I do think you should personalize those nasty holders though; God knows there's enough room to do something with that.

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Yeah, it is very funky to look down and basically see no steel and these huge wedges of white plastic. I think they need another spin before I can say for sure, but I think these may be my new backup skates for when I cannot get a decent sharpening on my pureflys.

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Minor update. By default these came with medium hollows. I am going to give a set of extra deep ones a shot for the next skate test.

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