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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TK Stick Magic

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Saw this stuff on another board, is this epoxy? And has anyone ever used this or epoxy on their stick to fix cracks and does it work? Someone said they used Minwax wood poly on their stick too.

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I have used Poly wood filler to help clamp a split wooden blade before but it didnt hold up that well

and yes i would think that is some sort of e-poxy

its probobly for nothing more than repairing a chip of paint

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We use a two-part epoxy for SRS hockey stick repairs. If this stuff is similar, I see no reason why you could not make minor repairs with it to Hockey sticks. I use the SRS epoxy to repair chewed up toes and reinforce the heels. I can't see using it to fix a crack unles some carbon fibre or fibreglass is used too.

BTW, Field Hockey and cricket sticks are made the same way OPS are, and cost quite a penny too.

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I've been using regular epoxy on all my blades. Works very well for $6.

I've applied it to my wood blade at the beginning of this season. I'm now 8 games in and there's no sign of mushiness or any cracks along the bottom. awesome stuff.

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