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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stick balance comparisons

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I really like the balance of my 05 easton stealth and was wondering what other OPS have a similar balance? I would describe it has light on the blade as compared to my mission hex-1 which feels more heavily weighted towards the blade.

so, what ops sticks are blade heavy or blade light?

I guess 2 piece sticks could be included here too, but I'd imagine they are inherently more blade heavy?

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Are you talking about stock sticks, or sticks adjusted for length with an end plug, a cut shaft, or both? Wood blade or composite blade?

If you like your Stealth and your Hex-1 is the same length, figure out where the balance point on the Stealth is, mark it, and compare it to the Hex-1. If the Hex-1 balance point is closer to the blade, just put a little bit of lead tape (for golf clubs) under the tape at the butt end until it matches the Stealth. I did that to all my sticks and now they feel more consistent to each other. I even tried matching an OPS to a woodie. Took a lot of lead tape, but they feel the same now.

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One thing that I do to help balance out blade heavy sticks is to cut the tenon off of old butt ends and insert them into the shaft before I put my butt end in. The extra bit of wood near the end of the stick helps to balance a blade heavy stick. Keep in mind that this method is hard to reverse if you don't like the effect. However, since I use shafts and not OPS the way I take them out is to heat them up and then push the plug out from the blade end of the shaft with a straightened coat hanger.

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I knew a kid that hollowed out the wooden butt ends and filled it w/ meltings from sodering (sp?) or melted lead or something dense. Let it harden and tape it up.

Made any combo feel blade-light. Very MacGuyver.

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I knew a kid that hollowed out the wooden butt ends and filled it w/ meltings from sodering (sp?) or melted lead or something dense.  Let it harden and tape it up.

Made any combo feel blade-light.  Very MacGuyver.

I've always wanted to try that. Thanks for reminding me. Good topic; I'm becoming more of a "stick" guy in my old age.

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I like sticks that are a little blade heavy. I like to go around guys on my off side, carrying the puck with only my top hand on the stick. I find that if the blade is too light, it bounces around when I do that. I also prefer slappers with a heavier blade because you get a better sense of where your blade is, kind of like using a hammer.

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