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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom Tapered Blades?

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I have used both and the Christians last longer for me. You have to do things like take the tape off after every game or practice with either brand if you want them to remain stiff for more than a couple games.

Obviously care of the blades plays a big factor in how long they last. That's why I threw what I heard out there instead of acting as if it were fact.

I don't have any idea how the dude who told me treated his blades. I know he retaped every time on the ice but who knows if the wet tape sat on the blade for a week before he replaced it?

I might give Christain a try since they seem pretty easy to order from. If I have bad luck then I will try TPS. If they don't work then I'm F'd. :D

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im a little confused as to what a "soft" blade is. is it when u cant really feel the puck or what?

When the blade is weak.

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soft as in flexing when you shoot...

as for the christian blades is there any signifigant difference between the diamond sock and the reg glass?

As of last year the doamond sock didn't have as many gaps to allow water to get through to the wood. I don't know if they ever made the regular sock in the new, tighter weave.

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The R2 woods that I had always got soft very quickly.

The custom ones use better wood and a better wrap. I have been using them for 5 years and the quality is far superior to retail.

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Really?  What's bad about the christian tapered blades?  I used them for a couple of games and they've been fine so far.

I've heard second hand so don't take this as fact but I heard they get soft quickly.

I'm sure someone on here has used them and can confirm or deny this.

they dont go soft. I have custom ones, as i said before about 17, usually with wood blades I have to can them very quickly, however, christian is the only blade I know where i can still heat it up, use it, heat it again, use it, and still have it stiff. Since I have so many, I use one every 3 ice times, where with tps x lites, one every skate. The only blade i've ever found better than the christians are the bauer 4000 woods, wich im dying to buy more of in p106

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In my experiences christian cant make two of their retail patterns the exact same so I personally would never ever do a custom through them. All of the pro stock wood R2 blades that I have tried felt soft in one game so I wouldnt recomend those either. I ordered custom tapered blades through sherwood and have been very pleased even with the longer hosel. As long as I dont play roller hockey with them (indoor) they seem to hold up great on the ice (note: the roller league I play in has a ton of hacks and I dont tape for roller hence the to of my blades and the hosel get destroyed in one friggin 40 minute game). The length of the hosel of the sherwood blades is the same as the axion 1050 regular RB (fyi).

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What wrap did you get on the TPS? I've tried them all - regular glass, the Pro Stock XX wrap, glass with Kevlar runner and now I'm on graphite glass.

Basically, if you need it stiffer, Bob can do that.

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