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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bad experiences with the Mission L-2

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I am debating between the L-2 and the Dolomite shaft, but I have heard from 2 different players I know that the L-2 has performed less than admirably for them. These guys are pretty solid roller players, so I believe them BUT I wanted to get some opinions here as well.

I have read the reviews and they're pretty favorable....does anyone else other than the reviewers have and pros/cons about the L-2?

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I love my L-2's. I've got 2 of them, the first one I have I've used for almost 2 years now. It's a tank and has some of the best performance of a tapered shaft I've ever used. It's got a nice kevlar wrap for great durability and an awesome kick point for great smooth shots. The other I have for sale in the Trade/sell section, it's brand new.

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If Mission finally came out with a grip version, I'd buy it in an instant, but it's too slippery for me (and I don't like using candycane tape wrapping - it messes up my hand movement). I'm currently using the L-2 blade on my Vapor XV shaft and it's a great combo. I know some poeple don't like the blade, but I love it. It's a little thicker and heavier than many other tapered comp blades, but I think the feel is great (better than my Inno!). If you don't need a grip stick, I'd say go with the proven L-2 instead of the hyped-up Dolomite.

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i have absolutely loved everyone i've had (4) each lasted me more than a season which is outstanding considering most sticks last me at most 3 months, but personally i always would change the blades with synthesis blades IMO they perform better.

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It's a tank but isn't going to perform like an SL, Hex or Stealth. It's a good reliable tapered shaft solid but not spectacular.

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Id rank the L-2 as solid and spectacular. They have lasted me 5 times longer than any OPS have. As far as the blade is concerned Ive had excellent durability (used it off and on for 3 years and just recently passed it onto grazstrom who is still reaping the benefits of its performance. Its one of the stiffest blades ive ever used (hard to atch passes with but killer slapshots from my experiences). Although I have had excellent luck with the L-2 blades I have seen quite a few broken in short time frames. As far as the shaft goes, Ive seen a lot of people get a lot of use from the L-2

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