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Graf vs. Easton Skates

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I've got a pair of Easton Z-Air skates that are about 7 years old. They've been great, but I'm having problems with a nasty, painful spot they are leaving on my ankle bone. I've never had that problem until a few months ago, and I'm not sure why I've got it now but I do.

I've got a very flat foot and so far Eastons are the only boot that doesn't hurt my arches. But, I'm curious how Graf skates compare in fit to the Eastons. I'm thinking of eventually getting another pair of skates and am trying to narrow it down.

Anyone have experience with those two brands?

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Graf make an excellent product but like all skates it is a personal preference issue. Grafs don't work for me but they may for you. The fit is good if the skate suits you. I love the Easton or CCM fits and have tried Grafs but after about six months of trying them just didn't feel good on the ice with them. Went back to Easton and I'm very content. My advice is go try a pair of Grafs on and take your time. I don't have arch problems so I can't really give you an honest opinion on their fit or if they will eleviate the problems with flat feet. Perhaps someone else on the thread may be able to help out.

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Grafs are the best, easton should stick to making sticks

Graf is like Apple for computers. They're special because they're special. A lot of the people that I've seen who brag about their skates still have problems that they ignore or don't even recognize. From extended break in periods to misaligned holders to poor construction, the problems with them are more common than not. On the rare instance that you get a good skate, they can be very good.

Last year we opened a Graf account late in the year and got about half a dozen pair of skates. EVERY pair had defects, some of them quite major.

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durability wise I would rank easton higher. Eastons suck to break in but once you do they hold their support for a long time (like you said, youve had your last pair for 7 years). Also keep in mind that fit is first and fore most and graf offers a lot of fits (now finding a pro shop that stoks all of their models is hard to find). Graf tends to get soft quickly in my opinion and the support is lower on the ankle than your z airs were originally. Hope that this helps

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The owner at my LHS told me if i payed double for easton skates he still wouldn't sell them to me. cause there garbage

have you used them?

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The owner at my LHS told me if i payed double for easton skates he still wouldn't sell them to me. cause there garbage

He's a dirty liar.

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The owner at my LHS told me if i payed double for easton skates he still wouldn't sell them to me. cause there garbage

He's a dirty liar.

They're getting better but I still don't think the non-composites are as good as CCM, RBK or NBH. And the Kor is a better comp boot.

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Obviously the guy isn't getting paid by Easton. I've had several pairs of Easton skates and I preferred my 1300's over a pair of Graf G-5's. They where more comfortable and give me much better protection than the Grafs. They're also much lighter. Again it comes down to personal preference. One thing is for sure, the Eastons will give me better durability than the Grafs because the composite boot won't break down like the Graf leather boot will. ;)

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Are you saying you've been skating in your Z-Airs for seven years and only now you're developing problems with your ankle bone? Sounds unusual. You may have a calcium deposit (also know as a bone spur) problem.


Good luck.

jjtt99 -

Yep.. that's exactly what I'm saying.

My wife has her master's degree in exercise physiology... and she was suggesting it might be that or a case of tendinitis.

I skated in a pair of CCM 655 Super Tacks for a few years when I started playing again, and I always had problems with my arches and achilies pain after each game. No matter how much I stretched it was always there.

I've got a pair of Nike Quest2 that I use for inline hockey and training but I'm not sure I would want to wear that boot on the ice. My wife has a pair of Bauers and they don't seem to be a good match either. So, Customer Service issues aside, I'm kind of curious about the opinions on Graf's quality and their overall fit.

By the way, thanks for all the input so far.

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Tendonitis is pretty easy to diagonse. If you have it in that area it's likely the tendons will be creeky when you move it, or rub the tip of your fingers over the area. When I mean creeky, think about opening a door that's on old rusty hinges. It won't make a sound but the feeling is distinct.

Finding the perfect skate is tough -- especially if the ones you have are causing pain. Take your time with it and try lots on being careful to ensure they fit from a length, width and depth perspective.

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