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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My problems. :(

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The m1 is for sure not stiffer then the older genration synergy's (silver) - i have used both - m1 seemed evr so slightly whippier. like i said a 83 :). as for the rest of the mission line i cannot comment - once i know about the hex 1 i will post.

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does tps have a website? what's the cost diff. between a starskie and a xn10? i have 3 starskie's :( if i could would be nice to trade one lol

When new the XN10 OPS retailed for $179 or so US, now you can find them much cheaper as they have been discontinued. Starskie's are about $159 but don't match the performance of the XN10.

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hmm.. what about xxx lite 77flex? they whippy? durable? or how about the 85 ST? i loved the SL.. is the flex the same? the starskie's are just to stiff :( even the 85

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It might be the shaft shape rather than the flex. I know it's a generalization, but women tend to have smaller hands and the SL may have matched up with yours better than your Starsky.

If you want to try an Xn10 go to Perani's (I know your around there), they had Prostocks for $100 CAD last time I was there.

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i have big piano hands.. so that cant be it.. LOL :P heehee I used a xn10 before but that was when they first came out and I don't even remember what flex/curve i used or why i even gave it up lol

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hmm.. what about xxx lite 77flex? they whippy? durable? or how about the 85 ST? i loved the SL.. is the flex the same? the starskie's are just to stiff :( even the 85

I use a XXX 77 flex (well, actually a "famous brand") and I really like the flex. It is maybe a tad stiffer than a TPS whip flex. For me, my XN10's and "famous brand" are my two hardest shooting sticks. The only thing is the blade on the "famous brand" is not very durable. The toe cracked in only my second game and foam is exposed along the whole edge (about an ince long). The funny thing is that I've been using it about twice a week (roller and ice) for about two months and it hasn't gotten that much worse. You may want to try the Winwell True-1 also. I ordered a couple of 85 flexes. When I took the cap off of them, one read 320 flex (77) and the other read 280 flex (85).

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It might be the shaft shape rather than the flex. I know it's a generalization, but women tend to have smaller hands and the SL may have matched up with yours better than your Starsky.

If you want to try an Xn10 go to Perani's (I know your around there), they had Prostocks for $100 CAD last time I was there.

are PROstocks any lower then 100flex?

so I totalled up the score:

3 votes for : xn10 whip Tkachuk

1 vote for: adrenaline whip

1 vote for: Easton UltraLight 85 flex shaft

1 vote for: Z-Bubble Shaft (but its a toothpick..lol)

1 vote for: Dolomite 75 shaft

1 vote for: Synergy II

1 vote for: Redlite XN10 w/ CNT Z-Carbon (SL durability)

1 vote for: 85 synthesis with a forsberg blade

1 vote for: L2 w/elias (85 flex)

1 vote for: M1

1 vote for: Bauer xxx lite 77flex

1 vote for: 85 ST

so does ANYONE have a LH Tkachuk WHIP XN10 they wanna trade me? lol

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i have big piano hands.. so that cant be it.. LOL :P heehee I used a xn10 before but that was when they first came out and I don't even remember what flex/curve i used or why i even gave it up lol

I bet if you start using the NX10 for slapshots you are going to develop tennis elbow. The stick was way too light and then my elbow started throbbing with pain after continuous slap shots. It was good for puck handling and wrist shots.

I would stay away from that stick if you are going to play defence and want to unload bombs. Well, that's just my opinion. Ric Jackman formerly of the Leafs and Penguins doesn't seem to have a problem with it and has been using it for a couple of years and slaps pretty hard.

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If your Starskie 85 is to stiff, I would go with a Warrior Mack Daddy 75. I have had one for about a month now, great stick. I am tall & thin, just the right flex. I am coming from a Vapor XV 87 which is just a bit stiffer.

I also have a TPS xn-10 in the whip flex(T-chuck), I would say it is a bit whippier then the Mack Daddy 75. To bad you are left handed, as it is almost brand new and for sale.

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i have sort of the same problem as well...i'm 5'10", skinny and weigh about 145lbs. i'm currently using an 85 flex z-bubble (durable as a D-man, btw, or maybe i'm just lucky), and it's too stiff for me.

i'm thinking about either a TPS whip of some sort or perhaps moving to an intermediate 70 flex Warrior.

has anyone used an intermediate Warrior? how is the flex compared to a TPS senior whip?


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Go with an XN10. I used to swear by Mission sticks, until I got an XN10 from a friend, and I've loved everything about it. Highly recommend it, and I've only used it 10-15 times

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i have sort of the same problem as well...i'm 5'10", skinny and weigh about 145lbs. i'm currently using an 85 flex z-bubble (durable as a D-man, btw, or maybe i'm just lucky), and it's too stiff for me.

i'm thinking about either a TPS whip of some sort or perhaps moving to an intermediate 70 flex Warrior.

has anyone used an intermediate Warrior? how is the flex compared to a TPS senior whip?


i have one, but i have not used it on the ice. pm me tommorow night becuase im gonna be using it tommorow

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Go with an XN10. I used to swear by Mission sticks, until I got an XN10 from a friend, and I've loved everything about it. Highly recommend it, and I've only used it 10-15 times

The only reason i didnt like the XN10 was the blade felt totally different from M1 blade. M1 blade had good feel and i felt like the XN10 felt sorta hollow and clay-ceramicy like - which resulted in poor feel-feeback for stickhandling and hollow feel on shots. Actually when you accept a hard pass you can actually hear the difference between the 2 blades.

Just one mans opinion though

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You must have gotten some mystical m-1 blade :P. Everyone i have used, and every person i have talked to that have used them said those blades were the most dead things they've ever used, but they sure do fire rockets.

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I finally found a women's league that allows slapshots and I'm a defencemen so I heavily rely on that good slapshot I USED to have *cries*

I'm 5'8 around 165lbs

any ideas to help me out

Do you still shoot your slapshots off your back skate? (I think you asked about your shooting off your back skate in another post somewhere).

If so, maybe try a 75-flex.

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Go with an XN10. I used to swear by Mission sticks, until I got an XN10 from a friend, and I've loved everything about it. Highly recommend it, and I've only used it 10-15 times

The only reason i didnt like the XN10 was the blade felt totally different from M1 blade. M1 blade had good feel and i felt like the XN10 felt sorta hollow and clay-ceramicy like - which resulted in poor feel-feeback for stickhandling and hollow feel on shots. Actually when you accept a hard pass you can actually hear the difference between the 2 blades.

Just one mans opinion though

I felt a difference between the two also. But I liked the XN10 over the M-1, which is my back up. The XN10 totally blew away the Hex-1, because the blade on my Hex-1 is as soft as a noodle now and I refuse to use it unless I get another blade for it. I can't recieve a pass without feeling the blade bend back, to the point a pass just goes by my stick, and I can almost custom curve the stick with my bare hands.

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I finally found a women's league that allows slapshots and I'm a defencemen so I heavily rely on that good slapshot I USED to have *cries*

I'm 5'8 around 165lbs

any ideas to help me out

Do you still shoot your slapshots off your back skate? (I think you asked about your shooting off your back skate in another post somewhere).

If so, maybe try a 75-flex.

yep yep thats me! :D

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You must have gotten some mystical m-1 blade :P.

No Joke - could very well be. You get batches of really shitty ones - i am sure there are a few batches of really good ones. I have been using this stick for 15 months now- and only in the last 2 months has it felt like its time to retire it.

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