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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Flexes

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IS missions 85 flex stiffer or whippier than other companies? Ive been told different things. I want a hex or a pulse in an 85 flex, but am afraid it might be too stiff even though its an 85. any help?

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click on "flex chart" on the top right of the page for info like that.

(easton and mission 85 are the same, also bauer 87 and branches medium)

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ahh, sorry bout that. thought you just meant if it was more like a 90 according to easton or something along those lines.

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My 85 Hex was a damn noodle, not to mention the blade would bend in half every time I took a snap shot.

Mine 85 Hex was pretty stiff, other than the blade.

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I've been wondering about this a lot myself. Best bet I'm thinking is to go and flex it a bit at the LHS. Not the same as actually shooting and handling a puck with it, but it's better than so many varying subjective opinions. It's so hard to tell from what people have been reporting their flexes to be.

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the only time I really notice is when I take slap shots . I should also mention the L-2 is my first tappered shaft. the other shafts that I used are a easton UL 100 which is real stiff and a tps rubber whip.. which ofcourse has a lot of flex.. hope that sorta gives you an idea as to why I thought the L-2 felt a little whippier then I expected

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i think i remember someone saying that the sticks are made by a new company, and they were a tad stiffer.

ya when i was doing research on the hex 1 i came across that thread -- cant remember who said that - think its might have been chadd -

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