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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Defect or not?

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i was getting ready before i game today, and i was tapin my butt end and then when i went to tape my linemates stick, the same one, i noticed his shaft was way bigger and square then mine, the funny part is that there both grey synergy St's drugy curve 85 flex, and its fairly noticable, does this mean there deffective or its just they way its made.

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check on the back of the shaft next to the caution do not overheat sign, there will be a letter/s and number/s, i think this is something to do with the shaft dimensions, his should be different

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Just different shaft shapes.

Guessing his is a more traditional (boxy) shape, while your's is a rounded/concave shape.

I have big hands, and prefer the more traditional shapes. (PP ofcourse)

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My guess is that since easton doesn't make retail Drury St's they are pro stocks, and I'm pretty sure custom shaft dimmensions are a possibility.

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I got a synergy before where the edges were completely square,its just a matter of the batch they came from ,that they werent sanded on the corners.No biggie just a minor thing.The sticks are not always going to be the exact same thing,just remember that.

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yah it says drury 85 flex on it both of us, and he didnt overheat it cuz i wouldnt be stupid enough to ask the question lol but yah ill check out the number tomorow at practice, but its not just like usage or anything there a big difference in the shaft shapes

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yah it says drury 85 flex on it both of us, and he didnt overheat it cuz i wouldnt be stupid enough to ask the question lol but yah ill check out the number tomorow at practice, but its not just like usage or anything there a big difference in the shaft shapes

Actually the Letter and Number indicate when they were made

A - January

5 - 2005

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