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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Right now I have the rubber band spacers in my mouth and next thursday I go in to get the whole deal put in braces and an expander as well. I was just wondering if anyone here has had some experiences playing with them like what the mouth guards you have to use are like and if it hurts to wear one while your playing when you just recently had them put in. Also if anyone has any advice on painkillers or anything not hockey related just in general any advice would be nice.

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when i had braces, i used the shockdoctor braces mouthguard which was perfect i wish i could still use it it was so comfortable

use aleve for the pain that stuff works wonders

also you cant use a molded mouthguard or else your teeth wont shift the right way

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No, mine was the proper size. I just find that the cheap ones that you boil (less proctective ones) fit a lot better than pre figured ones. It could be that your mouth shpae is better configured to those shock doctor mouthguards than my mouth is.

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When I played in braces I had the cheap $1 mouthguard and I would just trim the back a little bit. I didn't boil them b/c if you try to mold them over braces you just end up getting it stuck on the brackets.

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For mouthguards, I wanted one and went to my local dentist, the insurance payed all of it because they considered it important for my teeth and the level I played in. It's better to buy a 30 buck mouthguard than pay for a whole mouth of teeth.

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No, mine was the proper size. I just find that the cheap ones that you boil (less proctective ones) fit a lot better than pre figured ones. It could be that your mouth shpae is better configured to those shock doctor mouthguards than my mouth is.

Do Not Boil Mouthguards With Braces!!! it will make you have to wear the braces longer and no body wants that

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I can second that. The stuff will get all caught up in your teeth and then harden before you know it. I had that problem and, along with many other problems still have my braces to this day. Got them on on 01/16/01, by the way.

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Well right now, I'm chillen' with the headgear and sometime in May I have to get braces on my top teeth.

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I actually got my braces off yesterday afternoon :D

Man they will feel wierd the first week or so then you will get used to them. They only hurt for me for about a week after you go in for adjustments then its fine. Try to avoid anything hitting your mouth because when they cut your inner lip, IT SUCKS! I wore the shockdoc braces mouthguard and it was great. I'd recommend that.

My best advice is do everything you are supposed to do...wear your rubberbands and all that not-fun stuff, but it's worth it because you will get them off sooner. Because I didn't wear my bands as much as I should have, I had to have mine on about 5 months after I was supposed to get them off. <_<

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Well right now, I'm chillen' with the headgear and sometime in May I have to get braces on my top teeth.

Headgear's pretty brutal man. How often do you have to wear it? I had to wear mine every night for probably two years total.

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My orthodontis said that they would make me a mouthguard there to wear with my braces has anyone here used one you were given by them or your dentist?

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And also one other thing I have to get one of those expanders put in I was wondering what your experiences with those are I have heard from some people that they are preety painful and its hard to talk with them in.

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When I had braces, I still used a dentist fit mouthguard...just had to get a new one obviously. They do hurt when you get them tightned every 3 weeks or so, but after a while you dont get them tightned.

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Because I didn't wear my bands as much as I should have, I had to have mine on about 5 months after I was supposed to get them off. <_<

Same with me, I regret it now. I thought I didnt look cool with them on so I didnt wear them but instead I had to keep the braces on longer.

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I'm approaching my 4.5 year mark with my braces, and im set to get them off at the end of june. My biggest problem was not wearing my elastics. Since i've had them on so long, i now have permanent white squares on my teeth and will probably need to get my teeth bonded in order to fix them. Moral of the story, do what they say.

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I'm approaching my 4.5 year mark with my braces, and im set to get them off at the end of june. My biggest problem was not wearing my elastics. Since i've had them on so long, i now have permanent white squares on my teeth and will probably need to get my teeth bonded in order to fix them. Moral of the story, do what they say.

You gotta admit though, that shooting those elastics at people is pretty damn fun.

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We are about midway through the process with the expanders on Shooters hardware. The expanders were turned every night for a month. Junior had some minor discomfort for the first couple of days then nothing to worry about. His jaw is too small for the incoming teeth.

As for mouthguards, we used the boil and bites, but reduced the boil time so they didn't suck in as much as they would if they had been done completely. Worked like a charm.

He has braces on the front four only right now (top and bot) and will be getting more soon, I think. The next part of phase 1 is to get the front four moved into place and then let nature take its course for the rest. Phase 2 of the treatment won't come until he is older, maybe 18 or 19ish.


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the expander is a bitch... i absolutely hated that thing.

you'll get used to the braces pretty fast, wear the elastics when it's time, it definately pays off in the long run.

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quote-When I played in braces I had the cheap $1 mouthguard and I would just trim the back a little bit. I didn't boil them b/c if you try to mold them over braces you just end up getting it stuck on the brackets. -un quote

When I boil them, I do not fully boil them, just enough to get a decent mold. Which happens to be much better than stock. Also, I change them everytime i feel the slightest pressure. Besides, I have been doing this only in my latter stages of braces. Basically my teeth are a straigh as they will get, just fixing a small gap on the side of my mouth. I have never tore a mouthguard to shreds.

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