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Profiling skates

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Does anyone know anywhere around the Midlothian area that do profiling skates? I really need these skates pitched badly. Been falling everywhere and what-not.

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Oh Oh.

Profiling @ can-am.

Ive had a few skates come back fom there after the junior teams have got thier skates sharpened and they have come back a mess. Im currently putting a few of those skates right at the moment!

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Way ahead of you on that one! lol

Good to know as i didnt know anybody in the UK did profiling or for that matter decent sharpening apart from puckstop (but i try to stay away from sheffield lol)

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lol i agree the can-am isnt the best around but its probably near the only.

Skate Doctor i cant believe your 16s beat us in the semis after we beat them 3-1 :(

Back on topic.

i get them done from my goalies dad he does them Perfect.

thing is.. tourney hockey is also different. they will not take as much care into them as normally i would imagine.

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Im no way connected with thw whitley junior teams apart from the sharpening.

I think what the kids/parents are complaining about is that i normally sharpen skates at 3/8" but the grind at can am is 1/2" and the kids were complaining that they were not sharp enough.

I couldnt do the skates before they went upto fife cause i was working away. As i have a full time job.

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I just wanna get the radius from the stock 9ft on LS2 to 11ft from the E-Blade Pro on my Vector's. I tried getting used to the 9ft but the short radius just felt uncomfortable.

Only 1/2!?! I want 3/8! Damn you Can-Am!

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Don't quote me on the sizes that can-am do. Best of check with them which hollow they use. 1/2" is a 'Standard Grind' but it varies with different sharpeners. I got a hollow tester which measures the hollows, and the skates which ive had coming in from the people who had them done are ground to 1/2".

I do a 3/8" grind cause that suits the players and thats what ive found people are more comfortable using on 'whitley bay ice' and some of the other rinks and arena's such as Newcastle Arena.

I use 2 machines, ive got a Cag One Profiler machine which is good for profiling and also use a blademaster portable for all other grinding.

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3/8 is a crutch, or training wheels for someone who hasn't learned to use their edges. The "trend" now is to use shallower hollows. I'd say out of close to 2000 sharpening customers, less than a dozen are using 3/8. Most are 1/2 or shallower. While 3/8 gives bite, it has no glide at all. You should wean your customers slowly off 3/8. They'll be better skaters in the long run.

Just my professional opinion. :P

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3/8 is a crutch, or training wheels for someone who hasn't learned to use their edges. The "trend" now is to use shallower hollows. I'd say out of close to 2000 sharpening customers, less than a dozen are using 3/8. Most are 1/2 or shallower. While 3/8 gives bite, it has no glide at all. You should wean your customers slowly off 3/8. They'll be better skaters in the long run.

Just my professional opinion. :P

Jimmy , thanks for the information.

I just wish you could see or even think about the condition of the ice here over in whitley bay. Trust me you need a 3/8 to even think about staying up on your feet.

The ice condition is not the best, in fact its not even good. Even on its 'good' days its rubbish, and you tend to loose edges all the time.

If there is any other UK people on here who have been anywhere near whitley bay ice, they will say the same.

Its like skating on corrigated iron all the time, the surface is not level, nails, screws sticking out of the boards, no lines on the ice, the corners which have ski slopes in them, oh and not to mention, the old Zamboni's which keep breaking down every 5 mins leaving oil, and hydraulic fluids all over the ice!

As an official and a player i prefer the 1/2" grind, which suits me fine, but i have to keep grinding my skates every weekend, (handy when i have the machines), but some of my customers dont want that expense so they opt for the 3/8.

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Now that's some bad ice. I would think that 3/8 edges would wear quicker on bad ice because the point of the edge is thinner than that on shallower hollows. The thinner the edge, the easier it gets damaged and faster it wears.

But you would know best, you skate with it and seem to know what you get the most out of.

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Now that's some bad ice. I would think that 3/8 edges would wear quicker on bad ice because the point of the edge is thinner than that on shallower hollows. The thinner the edge, the easier it gets damaged and faster it wears.

But you would know best, you skate with it and seem to know what you get the most out of.

Jimmy, Yeah it is some serious bad ice. If i get some pics ill post them!

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Murrayfield Ice Rink has some crap ice (kids making holes in the ice - ARGH! That's what I hate about my job!!). It's not overflooded but it wear's away easily though...

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