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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Question for people with Rbk shins...

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I just got my RBK 7k's today and there are 3 straps. the very top one is non-elastic and I just keep this one as far as the velcro reaches so its pretty loose, then the second to the top strap I pulled that one on tight. now the bottom one is tricky, I guess I'll see tomorrow when I skate with it but it seems that if I keep that bottom one strapped, its not that comfortable. I keep the tongue of my skate underneath my shin so it makes that bottom strap really tight just to stay closed. I'm thinking of removing it but then I don't know how stable the pad will stay on my leg (I only tape up at the top under my knee). what do you guys do? I know I will have to play around with it until I get used to something I like. but basically just wondering if you guys genearlly keep that bottom strap on or take it off?

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i have the 7k's as well

you can actually remove the top non elastic strap it, slides right out. i think it's to prevent hyper extension. I just use the two velcro straps, and i tuck my skate tongue underneath the shin pad as well, and i've never had any problems with comfort/mobility, though it may be pp.

when i tape i do a layer underneath the knee, and down just above the ankle. i like my shins tight, but with the 7k's i find it's already a pretty tight fit, so most of the time i usually bypass the lower strip.

hope you find a way to find your comfort zone.

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i put my tongue on the outside. i tried putting it on the inside and the bottom strap wouldn't go all the way across. i'd have to tape it. but since i put the tongue on the outside, i can strap all 3 w/o any problems.

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I took all the straps off. I wear a shin sleeve on top of my shins and I tape under the knee after wearing my socks.

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did anyone find that these pads are a little longer than other pads? I feel that they are longer than my buaer shins. I stood them up next to each other and they look about the same height (both 14"), but for some reason when they are on my shin, I feel like the Rbk goes down a little further, I tried it on over my skate and it comes down to about the 3rd eyelet, my bauers only cover the 1st eyelet. I'm thinking of returning these and either going with an intermediate (13.5") or a junior size (13") rbk 5k, doesn't look like the 7k is available in junior size.

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I took the two elasticated straps off mine and left the non-elasticated strap under the knee, then a bit of extra tape over the socks. I felt the other straps were a bit too restrictive, and it also would bunch up the calf wrap. Nice to have the option though.

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I have 4K's. I make all straps as tight as they will go, then tape over my socks. I wear them under the tongue of the skate so I can bend my knees, I also couldn't really get the shinguard to fit right when putting them over the skate, like Vipperzz said.

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6K's, i use all three straps, and tape at the knee ridge, and 2-3 inches up from the bottom.

I do find it hard to get the bottom two, esp. the bottom one, strap to stay in place throughout a game. And it's very easy to knock the velcro when pulling socks over.

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did anyone find that these pads are a little longer than other pads? I feel that they are longer than my buaer shins. I stood them up next to each other and they look about the same height (both 14"), but for some reason when they are on my shin, I feel like the Rbk goes down a little further, I tried it on over my skate and it comes down to about the 3rd eyelet, my bauers only cover the 1st eyelet. I'm thinking of returning these and either going with an intermediate (13.5") or a junior size (13") rbk 5k, doesn't look like the 7k is available in junior size.

It may be the placement of the inner pad against the overall pad? I have the 6K's, which has hte shorter inner pad just around the knee, which can be adjusted up or down quite a bit aginst the velcro inside to get the pad to fit well. I don't think you want to go too far and get the outer shell lobsided against the inner protection. But maybe that's an option for you to get the it the right height against your eyelets?

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good idea, I'll try that, I havn't messed around with the pad too much.. I'm gonna save this (skate on my old shins tonight) and take a trip to hockey giant on saturday and see if the 13s or 13.5's are any different, unless your advice works that will save me the trip.. and yes, when I pulling the sock over the pad, it unfastened each of the velcro tabs..

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and yes, when I pulling the sock over the pad, it unfastened each of the velcro tabs..

I find what works for me is to really bunch up the sock before putting it on , and carefully slip it over the straps using the "bunch", then pull normally the rest of thw way, and it solves it for me most of the time...

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does anyone that has bought the 5k regret that they didn't go for the 7k? it seems to me that the only difference is the little extra pad that sticks out on the side of the knee joint.. reason I ask is because I have the 7k (havn't worn them out on the ice) but the more I keep them on my leg to break them in a little, I can't help but think that the 14" is a little long for me, so I might return it for a 13.5 or 13" which doesn't come in the 7k so I'd switch to 5k. well, I'm going tomorrow to go try out the 13" 5k shins and if I realize that the 14" wasn't really restricting than I'll just keep them, otherwise I may pickup the 13" 5k.. hope this wasn't confusing.

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i don't regret not getting the 7k's but i didn't see the price difference between the 5 and 6k's until i got home. that pissed me off because i could've gotten them for 5 bucks more. but i have no regrets with the 5k's at all.

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everyone with the 6k's seems to have a problem with the top getting caught on their pants so u probably saved yourself a headache.

I've got the 6k's, and it does get caught occassionally, but it doesn't bother me.

As far as diff between 5k and 7k, it's also got the playdry liner in the 7k. Not sure if there's a weight/bulkiness difference either, as I haven't done a side by side.

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