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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Redlite XN10 or Bauer Endure?

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I have played around a little with both. I liked the xn10 better. The endure felt a bit heavy.

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Does the XN10 only fit R2 blades? That would eliminate that choice right there for me....

EDIT - NM, I was thinking of the R2 XN10....I think.

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Damn....why do they gotta make it so complicated?? lol....

Hockey Monkey -

"Uses R2 replacement blades only"


thehockeyshop -

"Uses R2 replacement blades"


It's the same shaft as the one I linked above, right? The one at Hockey Giant....

Same shaft. I believe the catalog says "uses R2 blades only" and most of the websites just copy the catalog description.

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Thanks for clearing that up, Chadd (I don't know how many times I have written that in the last couple years... :P )

BTW, is that as cheap as that shaft comes? Kinda pricey for a shaft, IMO....

Also, is the R2 Armor the replacement for the XN10? Same shaft/different paint?

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Thanks for clearing that up, Chadd (I don't know how many times I have written that in the last couple years... :P )

BTW, is that as cheap as that shaft comes? Kinda pricey for a shaft, IMO....

Also, is the R2 Armor the replacement for the XN10? Same shaft/different paint?

Glad I can help.

They're brutally expensive, I was hoping to get an extra one on closeout but that hasn;t happened yet. I only held one of the new ones at the show for a minute or so and it didn't feel the right for some reason. I was also disappointed that moving the production from north america to china didn't drop the price of the new ones more than a few bucks.

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Damn, I'll make sure to try to get one of the 2005's then. Is the stiff flex of a TPS similar to a 100 flex by Easton? (not a 100 Stealth though - those feel like an 85 to me)

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Damn, I'll make sure to try to get one of the 2005's then. Is the stiff flex of a TPS similar to a 100 flex by Easton? (not a 100 Stealth though - those feel like an 85 to me)

The XN10s tend to be a bit whippier than other TPS products, the S flex is your best bet. They're usually 100-105 in Easton terms.

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