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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lightspeed Carriers

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OK guys heres what is happening to my Synergys this weekend!

Currently the carriers are 272, but im moving to a bigger carrier (280) for more contact, larger touching surfice area etc. I've got some Tuuk Lightspeed 1 (Bauer XX's) are these as good or the same as Lightspeed 2 (Vapor XXX's) because as far as i can see the only difference is the colour of the detail on the carrier.

If they are a little lighter am i going to notice the difference?

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I didn't notice any difference moving to LS2 but you will probobly notice a difference because of the surface area and that. Doubt you will notice the weight at all

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OK guys heres what is happening to my Synergys this weekend!

Currently the carriers are 272, but im moving to a bigger carrier (280) for more contact, larger touching surfice area etc. I've got some Tuuk Lightspeed 1 (Bauer XX's) are these as good or the same as Lightspeed 2 (Vapor XXX's) because as far as i can see the only difference is the colour of the detail on the carrier.

If they are a little lighter am i going to notice the difference?

i think you mean holder not carrier...

and on the more recently made Vapor 20 (XX) they have LS2, and same with the 8090s.

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Cool i know i will notice the longer blade but when i get used to it i will be faster so its all good!

A longer holder isn't going to have any more contact on the ice. If you want that, just get them profiled with a longer radius.

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the difference between the Ls1 and the Ls2 is the hardware and the steel, as for longer blade touching the ice get the profiled or something cuz i longer holder/carrier does not mean more blade on the ice.

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What Chadd said, all a longer holder is going to do for you is ruin the balance points on the skate. A 9ft radius is a 9ft radius regardless.

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