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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Can these being fixed?

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I have had a pair of CCM 652 Tacks for 2+ years, there are several cracks on both outsoles, and the outsoles is peeling off






Now I have mission S500s, but I donnot want to throw these CCM in to a garbage bin, so I wonder if these skates can be fixed? Can these outsoles been replaced?

How much does that cost?

We don't have any LHSs to go and ask about these skates, so all I can do is ask MSHers, please help me.

If it can be fixed, I can ask my friend take them to America next month and get them fixed. Maybe convert them to inline too.


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Because the soles are bonded to the boot I do not think they can be replaced. If you could fix them the cost would probably be close to what you can pick up a pair of 652's on an internet site. The cost of the 652's have gone way down since the replaced them with 692's

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not worth the trouble... those skates don't even look safe to play in anymore. you wouldn't want your skates to fail on you when your going hard into a turn or be anywhere near the boards.

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Time for a new pair bud. These are done. It would probably cost more to fix them than to get a new pair of 692's. Put them out to pasture and start shopping for something new.

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Don't give up on those skates yet, you prob could skate another 10 yrs with NO problems. I have customers who have been coming to me for years with skates worse than that, and like the energizer bunny, they keep going, and going, and...going.

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Ok... here's an idea. Play shinny on that pair, cause the chance of you seriously hurting yourself if the boot cracks in half is substantially smaller than while playing real hockey.

But I wouldn't play hockey on those... just read the equipment related injuries thread to find out that you can get hurt. Trust me, spending $400 dollars on a new pair of skates is more satisfying that giving an American hospital $500USD. :(

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Yeah maybe keep those for some casual skating or something..but to be safe, try covering the bottom where the cracks are with epoxy maybe?

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Thanks for worry about my safe, I've already get a new pair of mission S500s. They are great.

I repalmed a pair of bauer gloves and just cost me 40RMB in China, equally $5 USD, so I get this fixing idea. I know it's impossible in America. :P

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