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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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High End Oldschool vs. Low End Modern

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I've thought about this question for quite some time and being a newcomer to hockey, I wouldn't be able to compare.

Which you choose as equipment? By oldschool stuff, I'm talking like REALLY old. Gloves with long cuffs etc.

Write "old" or "new" next to each piece of equipment.

Helmet -

Shoulder Pads -

Elbow Pads -

Shin Pads -

Pants -

Sticks -

Skates -

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With modern technology and materials, newer products are generally far better than the older stuff.

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with the advancements in gear technology why would you want to buy old (used) equipment. The new stuff has more protection, weighs less and fits better. I play with guys who have older gear, but that is because they have had them since they were new.

Whatever you do, don't buy an old used helmet. It's just not safe

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this guy I played with last night, his equipment bag was so old (an old faded cooper bag) that it couldn't fit his pants in it. he was carrying them on his stick.. it was awesome! but he said he bought all his stuff from a guy on craigslist, so unfortunatly it wasn't a bag he had been using since the 70s.

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this guy I played with last night, his equipment bag was so old (an old faded cooper bag) that it couldn't fit his pants in it. he was carrying them on his stick.. it was awesome! but he said he bought all his stuff from a guy on craigslist, so unfortunatly it wasn't a bag he had been using since the 70s.

To all you kids out there, let this be a lesson: Stay in school. Then you won't have to buy some scummy equipment that is 30 years old from someone off Craigslist.

That's just too disgusting to think of.

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Heres one for you-Last week I played a drop in and the goalie had the old Cooper GP58's for pads and a Plante mask-hows that for old school

The pads were more duct tape than leather and I'm suprised the resins in the mask have held up!!

The only thing that would have made it better was if he had a Northland stick!

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Heres one for you-Last week I played a drop in and the goalie had the old Cooper GP58's for pads and a Plante mask-hows that for old school

The pads were more duct tape than leather and I'm suprised the resins in the mask have held up!!

The only thing that would have made it better was if he had a Northland stick!

In a league I played in a few years back a goalie on an opposing team wore the Jacques Plante fiberglass mask, with the nose piece broken out because he had a big schnozz. Half the guys on our team wouldn't shoot high on him for fear of smacking him one in the noggin.

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well IMO the new Products are very lighter easier to brake in and in some cases they are more protective. So for me there would be no reason to buy very old and use High End Gear. Otherwise i am still a fan of some "old-school" gear for example the good old ccm ht-2 (sure there might be more protection in a Bauer 8500...) i would rather buy a custom Bauer 2000 Skate than a one90 (yes i am maybe crazy), for me it is a mixture of good protection (depends from what league u r in) and the most comortable stuff...

i can remember those Ferland 5544 gloves i owned long time ago, i think they could still be in the competition, i think they were even better than the actual ferland gloves... <_<

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What do we mean by "newer?" The greeks had two words for new... one denoting new in kind and the other as in new in quality.


t'blades newer than traditional

OPS newer than wood

Low cut boots newer than high cut boots


Mission intake newer than old Cooper helmet (sorry can't remember my model #, as I have thrown it away!)

CCM wooden vector newer than a used Pro-quality Northland wood stick from the 70's.

I would have to say that sometimes "new" in terms of KIND is NOT ALWAYS the best thing. Caveat Emptor: let the buyer beware. Always research before you go and buy some newfangled thing.

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you kids /younger players never got the great pleasure of playing in the old leather boots...one good shot to the foot, especially the arch, and you got a entirely new appreciation for pain. Modern skates are sooo much nicer than old ones. Newer helmets have material that is better at absorbing impacts.

Even though some of the older gear was good, I'll take new technology.

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Helmet - New

Shoulder Pads - OLD (cooper SB89)

Elbows - New but old school??? (sherwood 5030)

Gloves - New

Shorts - New

Shins - New

Skates - New

Sticks - New

Helmet - Old CCM HT2

Shoulders - New old school SP 5030´s

Elbows - New Jofa

Pants - Damn old Bauer MBP Girdle

Shins - New Jofa

Gloves - New TPS HGT

Skates - Vapor 10? man are they old now?

Sticks - New Easton Ultralite

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By new, I meant what is "traditional" these days like.. plastic holders, composite sticks etc.

What I meant was which would you buy, "new" old stuff (brown leather gloves, skates with leather boots) or new modern low end stuff?

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I'll always rock the classic CCM HT2 (now the 652) helmet for as long as it's on the market. Everything else I generally go newer technolgoy when it's time to buy. I will admit that as an inline player, I was hesitant to go with the Hi-Lo chassis after using a 72mm flat chassis.....now it looks like all 80mm's are the way to go. I'll still be a hold out. :lol:

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