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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dunkin Donuts or Krispy Kreme

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i guess were getting a krispy kreme donuts here in my city hopefully soon because the only time i get to have them usually is when i drive 45 minutes away to another rink and after the game i usually go to kk's.

40th post yahoo.

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Any1 who doesn't think that KK has the best donuts has never had them fresh off the line. When you buy them not directly from KK there not even close.

On a side note my ex used to work for DD and id get all kinds of free donuts and Coolatas (which are the best) needless to say after we broke up I lost like 15 lbs. :unsure:

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Any1 who doesn't think that KK has the best donuts has never had them fresh off the line. When you buy them not directly from KK there not even close.

On a side note my ex used to work for DD and id get all kinds of free donuts and Coolatas (which are the best) needless to say after we broke up I lost like 15 lbs. :unsure:

I'm not a big glazed donut fan, so KK doesn't do much for me.

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