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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NBH SDP Gloves

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I thought Compuware gloves were brown with orange lettering.

Yikes! There's a color scheme if I ever heard one.

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I thought Compuware gloves were brown with orange lettering.

I saw one of the Midget teams that had brown with an orange cuff and one of the younger teams that had brown with a white cuff. My son won't get his until the Fall, but I am sure they will be ugly either way :lol:

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One of the Novi employees had a pair yesterday. All brown and orange E with Compuware in orange as well.

Is Novi a nice place? My company has offices out there. Some guy came over from there recently for corporate training and he told me he plays pick up and is a big Wings fan. I think he also said he knows people that have been out on Ted Nugent's ranch??? Is that in MI?

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Yep, it's not too bad. I'm looking to move out there, but it's pretty expensive. A few Wings live there, including all of the Swedes. I've had Lidstrom in there and I sold some stuff to Holmstrom a couple of wks ago. As far as Nuge is concerned, they don't call him the Motor City Madman for nothing...

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Yep, it's not too bad. I'm looking to move out there, but it's pretty expensive. A few Wings live there, including all of the Swedes. I've had Lidstrom in there and I sold some stuff to Holmstrom a couple of wks ago. As far as Nuge is concerned, they don't call him the Motor City Madman for nothing...

LOL! I thought the guy was just feeding us BS. He was saying he's got all kinds of animals on the ranch and you can go hunting.

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Yep, it's not too bad.  I'm looking to move out there, but it's pretty expensive.  A few Wings live there, including all of the Swedes.  I've had Lidstrom in there and I sold some stuff to Holmstrom a couple of wks ago.  As far as Nuge is concerned, they don't call him the Motor City Madman for nothing...

Actually, Nugent lives (or did) in a place out in Jackson by me. His house was condemned because of black mold a while back. I think he is living in Texas right now until/ if his house gets rebuilt.

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Yep, it's not too bad.  I'm looking to move out there, but it's pretty expensive.  A few Wings live there, including all of the Swedes.  I've had Lidstrom in there and I sold some stuff to Holmstrom a couple of wks ago.  As far as Nuge is concerned, they don't call him the Motor City Madman for nothing...

LOL! I thought the guy was just feeding us BS. He was saying he's got all kinds of animals on the ranch and you can go hunting.

I take it you've never seen his reality show?

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Nope never saw the show. I knew he was an outdoorsman and borderline MI militia, but I didn't know he had animals running around his place that people could go and blow away.

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