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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My 1st OPS

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Just bought a Mission Rebellious, Ribeiro pattern from PIAS for USD $99. How the hell did I ever go without an OPS? This thing is amazing, improved my puckhandling and wrister...but what does it say on the shaft? I think it's Japanese.


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Damn, I thought everybody used at least one OPS. Anyway good for you if you like it, that was also my first impression 5-6-7 years ago(I can't remember when) when the first Synergy came out.

BTW, are you speaking french(because of your signature).

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Some guy came in my store a few months ago and said that one of his kids on his team's parents translated it to "attack" in Chinese. I don't know.

JR its rebel in chinese

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Some guy came in my store a few months ago and said that one of his kids on his team's parents translated it to "attack" in Chinese.  I don't know.

JR its rebel in chinese


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Yea I remember...I was seriously thinking about getting one, but it never happened. Lol I remember kids on my team were picking out the kid with the pink stick (aka Mission Rebel). It was pretty funny cause he wasn't good, and when he tried to check back against our guys, he missed.

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I would reccomend the winnwell pink stik instead. about the same price but muchhigher performance. Its is the XXX

No its not the XXX

Winnwell g500 sticks are the same stick as the Vapor XXX.

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Yea I remember...I was seriously thinking about getting one, but it never happened. Lol I remember kids on my team were picking out the kid with the pink stick (aka Mission Rebel). It was pretty funny cause he wasn't good, and when he tried to check back against our guys, he missed.

I didn't buy it because it was pink, I bought it because I liked the lie, and the price was right.

BTW, are you speaking french(because of your signature).

Native Montrealer :lol:


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