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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Habs player's curve?

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It might sound like a stupid question...but is there a way i can see/know what kind of curves some of the habs players are using?

What Im looking for is a Drury curve, from one of the habs players.

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What hand?

Koivu: toe curve

Markov: Drury

Souray: Wedge, something like MacInnis' old sticks but lower lie and lefty

Zednik: big mid, like the Gaborik retail

Komisarek: Iginla-ish

Ribeiro: Modo retail

Dandenault: midheel with a shaved toe

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From what I see on TV and live at the Canucks vs. Canadiens game in January; Ribs looks like a Sakic for sure. I really thought that Ryder's looked like something in between a Forsberg and Sakic retail. Same with Bouillon's. His looked like a retail Modano/Forsberg. Not as open as a Drury. However, I haven't seen the blades from the best angle.

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Do you guys know if there will be a Canadiens equipement sale this year?

If so, when and where?

PM Dupes about the equipment sale. He had posted in the Caps Equipment Sale thread that the Habs were having a sale sometime soon.

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doing a new topic now :D

i am looking for right handed habs players, sorry I forgot :o

not many: Komisarek - synergy Downey - 6 or 7K Dandenault - Dolomite/ XXX lite Ryder - SL

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