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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Standing on exercise balls

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I just tried this today and I finally got up on the ball and did some squats with some weight in each hand.


This is the type of exercise ball I used and I was just screwing around in my backyard with the ball and I tried standing on it because I have seen people at the gym doing it. They are really fun and work the core and legs. Has anyone else done anywork with squats on the balls or anyother work while standing on these things?

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when i watch tv, i just sit on it for straighter back posture, while at the same time strenghtening core balance and strength.

i've also done pushups, benchpress and few other things.

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I can kneel on it pretty well. It's not too hard if the ball is a little on the flat side. I haven't tried standing on it though.

The Bosu (1/2 balls) are pretty cool as I'm working with one of those quite a bit lately and am feeling it on the ice.

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It took me just over 3 weeks to learn how to stand on my stability ball. It's all about baby steps, basically holding onto something and than slowly releasing it. I think the hardest thing for me to learn was getting up without holding onto something. I landed on my back so many time that day....

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Here i did a quick video. I'm sorry about the quality, i used my webcam. The ball was pretty deflated, i need to take it over to the gas station.

If you want I can get my brother to chuck things at me. But my main goal was to show how to get on it without help.

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Barefeet or shoes. Dosen't really matter as long as youn have some traction. A tip might be using a smaller ball with some air let out so make things easier at first. I find the big hard balls the most difficult.

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When i saw this post i tried it out, took me numerous tries before i was actually able to balance on it for a mear 5-6 seconds lol. Its a start.

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Cool. Thanks Turcotte. Very helpful. Two hands, then foot, then other foot, frog like. Got it. Last night I did more kneeling, and you're right, the smaller balls are easier to balance on. I'll try standing next time.


EDIT: Gee I wonder if I should wear a helmet :D

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