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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Diffs PM9 and P106

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I just can't figure out the diffs between these 2 curves as I have never seen them. Which one is more open? Better for handling/Shooting. I'm currently using the P88 but would like a more open face.

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The P106 is a moderate heel curve, while the PM9 is a slight mid-heel curve. The Pattern DB list the P106 as a 1/2 in. curve and the PM9 as a 3/8 in. curve.

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I currently own each, and the PM9 is as straight as they come. The blade itself seems "short" too compared to most, if that makes any sense.

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Mew,did you look at the Pattern DB yet? It should answer your questions, it is a very straight forward chart. If you want an open curve with NBH get the P92.

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Yeah...just what is the difference between curve depth and curve size?

I understand curve size (from the NHL rulebook):

"The curvature of the blade of the stick shall be restricted in such a way that the distance of a perpendicular line measured from a straight line drawn from any point at the heel to the end of the blade to the point of maximum curvature shall not exceed one-half inch (1/2")."

So that leaves curve depth?

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Look on the menu bar at the top of the screen...you'll see rules, help, search etc... Just click on PATTERN DB and it'll open for you.

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The PM9 is a Modano clone and the P106 looks similar to a lidstrom curve.

p106 is nothing like a lidstrom. just picture a bigger modano, slightly opened, and with a slightly longer blade.

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What is Bauers closest to an Easton Yzerman curve? I'm thinking of getting a couple of 7500 tapered blades for some Dolomite shafts...

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The PM9 is a Modano clone and the P106 looks similar to a lidstrom curve.

p106 is nothing like a lidstrom. just picture a bigger modano, slightly opened, and with a slightly longer blade.

Thanks for the correction, its been awhile since of looked at either of the curves. For some reason I remembered them being similar.

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Can anyone offer any insight into the size vs. depth question?

I too have wondered what exactly depth meant. I thought it referred to whether the curve created a "pocket" (so to speak) for the puck. Some large curves don't have much of a pocket, yet other more moderate curve have a pocket. It seems like if the heel lined up with the toe when you are looking down at the blade that it makes more of a pocket. If the toe extends further out to one side then their isn't much of a pocket. Other than that I don't really see the difference between depth and size.


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Essentially you're correct, a curve with a bigger "pocket" is deeper. It's obviously easier to have a deeper pocket with larger curves.

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