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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Big shafts / Sticks.

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Need helping finding some bigger sticks. (I am 6ft4 almost 6ft5) At the mo i am using 2 sticks. One Easton Z bubble with a 6½in Butend! It makes the too flexy ridiculous hevey and slighly unblanaced!

I broke a stealth and fliped it. Made it the right size for me and i love it! So i am looking for a shaft thats roughly 54". I dont want to get a One peice stick but if you have any suggestions i would need it to be 61" roughly from top to heel. Also if you know of any sites that sell composite Butends that would be gr8ly apreshated! Thanks in advanced!

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trilage shafts are 54 inches and their one piece sticks are 68 inches heel to the end of the stick. love their site as well, unique sticks to say the least...


The tucker curve is quite nice i think. all sticks come in stiff, regular, and whip flex and have grip coating. check them out!

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Yeah, the CCM Vector composite sticks are long as they don't put a wood plug in the end. You could use one of those. And if extra length was required you could insert a butt end without it having to be really long and throwing the balance way off.

Good luck.

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i dont know this may sound stupid but i have seen it done before, either try to find T-flex blades for a synthesis shaft or just turn it around, i know it defeats the purpose but you just said u really like ur turned around OPS, and if you need a put end but shave down and ur good to go or try to find some prostock chara sticks :P

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Well i cant say i had much to choose from! But there are 2 that i am stuck between and i am not to sure what to get.

CCM Vector V120c Shaft - Hight 54" - Weight 365Grams

With a Z-Carbon CNT blade. Weight 155Grams.

Total weight = 520Grams :blink:


Bauer Endure Shaft - Hight 52" - Weight???(Not sure, Anyone know?)

With a Z-Carbon CNT blade. Weight 155Grams.

Total Weight = ???

This really aint going too well. Anyone know the weight of a Senior Bauer Endure Shaft?

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RBK shafts and sticks are just as long as CCM's...just thought I'd throw that out there.

I'm about 6'4" and currently use a pro-stock Bauer tri-flex, which is long enough when I use a 1.5" plug. I also have a CCM 120C shaft for a backup and really like it. It is the only shaft I've ever had that doesn't require an end plug.

edit: Inline warehouse sells composite end plugs, and they also list the lengths of all the sticks/shafts they sell. www.inlinewarehouse.com/

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I have two Todd Simpson Vapor XX - I got them Sept. 2005, and have been using one since then and love it, the other is un-used, brand new. Very tall (have not measured). I am 6, 3" and this is the longest stick I've ever used - Chara long.

PM me if interested, it's brand new. LH. I have a gazzilion sticks, but none this long. I have resorted to sticking extensions in my other ones 'cause I like the long sticks so much...

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The Salming Strike (standard) shafts are 54" long, too bag you aren't likely to see many of them in north america this year.

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