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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Attention all UK MSHers

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I didnt get in this year for the 17's but i know a few people who will be in various age groups, which age group and conference you in?

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they are running it at u11 13 15 17 and theres a 19s game on saturday night.

you guys play league I or II? im pretty sure the only teams that getta tryout for their conference is League I teams.

beacause its our scottish national team thats going, and then theres south west, south east,northen, midlands.

The idea is to gather the best players from around the UK for an elite tournement.

Even if you guys arent playin anyone considerin makin the drive to see it?

It is good hockey.....

NOTE : i am not a panthers fan, just think this guy looks pretty cool.

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Anyone can try out, nick23 and i are both league II and tried out. He got alot further though lol. And theres another guy on our team thats the south easts practical joke bitch (they pull them all on him).

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Paul Merchant, yeah anyone can try out, its a good way to get noticed if your playing in a league 2 team, not that i have though :( good luck anyways, south east have quite a good 17s squad, a good number of their players are also playing EPL

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What's your name?

The final positions were

11s -

1st - South west

2nd - midlands (i think)


1st - ??

2nd - Scotland


1st - North

2nd - Scotland (my team)


1st - south west

2nd - Scotland

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