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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Flex problem

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I am 6'3 180lbs and I recently bought a INNO 110 0-260 shaft. The problem is I have always had a good wrist shot and a good slap shot. With the new shaft my slap hot is now deadly but my wrist shot is gone? I have an ultra light 110 and a grip light 100. I have found the ultra light good for shots but heard a flexier shaft is better for forwards which I am. The grip light is good but still getting used to the grip. My question is do I need more time to get used to the INNO or do I need to stick with a stiff flex! Anybody had this problem and any suggestions???


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Generally people find flexier sticks better for wrist shots and stiffer sticks better for slap shots. Best advice is to experiment. The inno is about a 90 on the Easton scale, maybe a 95 tops. You'll need to determine which suits your game best and go from there.

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I'm like 5'10 165 and I use a 110 flex. I figure in order to get enough flex for a wrist shot, I'd need about an 85. That would make my slap shot horrible. I've tried a couple 100's and I'm so used to a stiff stick that I broke them too fast. I started with the stiff stick when I didn't know better so that has me stuck on stiff sticks. So to answer your question it's whatever overall you like, or compromise. What shot do you take more of?

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I'm like 5'10 165 and I use a 110 flex. I figure in order to get enough flex for a wrist shot, I'd need about an 85. That would make my slap shot horrible. I've tried a couple 100's and I'm so used to a stiff stick that I broke them too fast. I started with the stiff stick when I didn't know better so that has me stuck on stiff sticks. So to answer your question it's whatever overall you like, or compromise. What shot do you take more of?

Actually more flex won't kill your slapper entirely. Slowing down your motion a bit and "smothing out" your motion will work wonders when using a whippier flex.

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I'm at a crossroad, basically because my sticks are too flexible (6', 170 - Inno 300). Now I'm afraid to take slappers in games because i just feel like it'll snap in half if i put everything into it. Slowing down the motion does work, but then i'd get tentative and have the puck poked away.

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This is the problem I used to find with expensive stics, you won't put all of yourself into shots, now I just don't care cause I pay for my own sticks and my dad doesn't bitch about buying them (although if I was in his position I think I would have too).

I can use basically any flex. I an 6' 170 and I can rip slapshots with an 85 flex Synthsis and a 110 Synthesis, it doesn't seem to take away alot from slappers, but I find anything over 100 (and 100 is pushing it) is too stiff for a good wrister.

On a side note, are Mission's stick flexes measured on the same scale as Eastons?

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I'm at a crossroad, basically because my sticks are too flexible (6', 170 - Inno 300). Now I'm afraid to take slappers in games because i just feel like it'll snap in half if i put everything into it. Slowing down the motion does work, but then i'd get tentative and have the puck poked away.

Take a smaller windup, it will let you get the puck away quicker. You should be able to experiment with different speeds on your motion to find what works best for you.

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I'm 6'' 180..and i play with a z-bubble 85 flex...and my slap shot are not pretty good(but i think my problem is more the curve then the flex)

But for slap shop i use my franklin 7035 5 flex(95 flex) and i get pretty good slap.i think for my body the best is a 90! :blink:

Anyways...I think the best is wrist shot....guy in NHL or whatever score more goal using wrist shot then slap shot no??85% of my shot are wrist....

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Actually more flex won't kill your slapper entirely. Slowing down your motion a bit and "smothing out" your motion will work wonders when using a whippier flex.

I think that's part of my problem. I'm gonna try that next game.

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Personally, I must be different from everyone else but i like using a stiffer stick 98% of the time I take wristers and they are lasers. I don't know what it is, maybe because that's just what im used to, but it seems that when I try a flexier stick and lean into my wristers, that they just flutter out.

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