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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CNT Stealth Question

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I noticed somebody selling a cnt stealth and they said it was sent to them as a warranty replacement for a 2005 model stealth.

I also noticed later on that night, on ebay, somebody is selling a new cnt stealth, saying the same thing; that they got it when they had a warrnty replacement.

Is this true, or does anybody know if Easton is doing this now? A broken 2005 stealth that is sent back to Easton as warranty return means that you get sent a new cnt stealth?

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The Stealth 05' is discontinued. The stick will be replaced with a stick of equal or greater value in Easton's eyes. Aka you will get a CNT Stealth or CNT Stealth grip.

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I just got my warranty replacement Stealth and it is a 05 model.........not a cnt.

Then they probably had your pattern and flex in stock in the 05s.

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What pattern and flex did you have?

I am wondering because I bought a left over 05 stealth in the foresberg 100 flex left non grip a week ago and it is going to break pretty soon.

I am wondering when I send it back how long it takes to get a new one from easton and if I will get the cnt stealth instead.

Also, will they give you a new stick or is it some warranty replacement shaft with a blem or anything like that?

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Not as popular patterns like Drury, Lidstrom, Yzerman may be still availible in older stealths. I know for a fact that Sakic and modano/Forsberg are comming back as CNT's.

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When i sent my Drury Stealth Grip I received a Heatley SL in return because they didn't have anything Drury. Needless to say i got hosed.

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When did you send away for it?


It was originally supposed to be delivered on 04/27/06 but UPS insisted on needing a signature. Which lead to missed delivery, then a bad sort, they fiannly got it to me late Monday.

It is a Gaborik 85 flex.

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That is good to know that it shouldn't take too long to get to me. I just hope that after it breaks they send me the same stick and hopefully even a cnt model of it. I will let you guys know.

Does anybody else have an idea if this is how long it is suposed to take all the time from easton?

Can abybody else share some stories or knowladge of what I will likely get back in return?

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