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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New RBK 7k OPS

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I did a search but couldnt find anything.

Anyone knows when this stick will be available to the public?

I've heard a lot of good comments about the stick...

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Yeahh, No 9k that i'm aware of. If memory serves me, JR said that it was just a re-painted 7k. Painted to match the skates or something.

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Yeahh, No 9k that i'm aware of. If memory serves me, JR said that it was just a re-painted 7k. Painted to match the skates or something.

actually the black n green one is going to be a retail 6k

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Found out about the stick - it exists. It's a 7k...new look. Makes sense to do it...goes with the skate.

From JR

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No 9k stick is avail YET. Not in dealers catalogs, no sales reps pushing it. I'll bet a November release, just in time for xmas. Just like the 9k skate was.

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The "7k" green that NHLers are using is officially going to be the same graphics for the 6k green stick from Rbk which is limited deal for high-end retailers

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The "7k" green that NHLers are using is officially going to be the same graphics for the 6k green stick from Rbk which is limited deal for high-end retailers

thats what i said pretty much, i hear expected delivery is july'ish

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