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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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nike bauer.com

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i had a vapor XXX with the nike bauer logo. i broke it tho... infact, ive gone thru $720 in sticks in the past week, and my brother has gone thru $380. its redicuous.

Time to work on you're form.

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i had a vapor XXX with the nike bauer logo. i broke it tho... infact, ive gone thru $720 in sticks in the past week, and my brother has gone thru $380. its redicuous.

Time to work on you're form.

time to work on "your" grammar. ZING! :P

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i had a vapor XXX with the nike bauer logo. i broke it tho... infact, ive gone thru $720 in sticks in the past week, and my brother has gone thru $380. its redicuous.

No it's ridiculous. And why do you and your brother need top of the line OPS's? Do you guys play in the NHL/AHL/CHL/RSL/etc?

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i had a vapor XXX with the nike bauer logo. i broke it tho... infact, ive gone thru $720 in sticks in the past week, and my brother has gone thru $380. its redicuous.

Time to work on you're form.

time to work on "your" grammar. ZING! :P

You'd only need quotation marks if you were pointing out "you're." Time to work on your zings.

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