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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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#@!# damn it i'm pissed

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Some asshat just pulled out in front of me ... now I have to drive around in a messed up car because of him. I know things could be worse, but jesus christ.

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Some asshat just pulled out in front of me ... now I have to drive around in a messed up car because of him. I know things could be worse, but jesus christ.

that sucks balls. what kinda car is it?

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Guest Muck

Did you get the plate number? :blink: :lol:

That sucks, man. Hopefully your repair process goes smoothly.

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People in big citys drive like they own the road, people have to adapt, so thats why accidents happen because people have self appointed narrow vision. No offense to you analog, i hope everything goes well but im just saying this is how some people drive.

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This loser crossed over a double yellow line, illegal in WA, to turn back and into a parking lot. I didn't do anything wrong, regardless of what you might think. Anyone see the VW commercials where "shit happens?" it was exactly like that. I had about 1 second to put on my brakes.

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<sarcasm>thats your fault, you should have let him go.</sarcasm>

there we go.

haha i'll make a request to JR to make a new sarcasm emoticon :P

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