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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mad Photoshop Skillz?

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Anyone interested in trying something out for me???

I would like this bottlecap (the same color) with the lettering from the jersey (but with the roman numeral III) behind it...

And the Letters NCHL in small (big enough to read though) around the edge...

Does this make sense>>>

Or be creative and make something that looks cool....

Bottle cap


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I might be able to do it.

What color do you want the





Is this for an avatar for you?

The Hosers text on the Jersey is pretty small compared to the bottle cap. If I make them the same size, the Hosers text will be blurry.

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The one in my avatar was a quick job made up...

I need it as a team logo for our league website...

There is the Hosers Hosers.jpg

Hosers II HosersII.jpg

And Hosers III

I want the Hosers III to have the best logo of the three...

Heck if you have a cool Idea for Hosers II, I'll entertain that as well..

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Its not for a jersey, its for a Logo on a website...

as far as fonts be creative... I give you artistic licence...

If you want the lettering from the jersey, how can we be creative with the fonts?

Or do you just mean the curvature of the lettering?

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OK... Hows this sound...

We have a Beer Bottle... (See Above)

We have a Bottle Cap... (See Avatar)

Now the second team has a touque... As Canadian as it is, its not really a beer drinking hockey teams logo is it...

Lets see how creative people can get (people that want to have some fun with the idea)... I appreciate the help as no one on any one of the teams are that good at making a photoshopped Logo...

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How about a beer cap that is bent, as if it has been opened with a bottle opener?

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I like, but the guys on the team realy like the one in my avatar...

Now we just need to find a new logo for our Hosers II team, and a logo for our ladies team - The Hosettes

any ideas would be greatly appreciated...

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Hey can someone help me with this Logo...

I'd like the jersey and helmet to be PINK, and the hair to be blonde... (Braids if you can do it)...

Plus swap Hericanes wiht the name HOSETTES....

Thanks in advance...

One of these days i should learn Photoshop eh...

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