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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Half Visors at non-USA Hockey events...

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Hey guys, can't seem to get a for sure answer about this...

I'm under 18, and definitely cannot wear a half visor in regular games or practices, but am I required to wear a full cage at stick times, pick up games, etc? Because our sticktimes and stuff tend to be not very crowded I'm thinking about wearing one rather than my cage. I know all the moral stuff that I could get hurt...just trust me that if anything competative that risks catching a puck or stick in the face/eye comes about then i'll have my full cage on.

Anyone know the rules?

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I have a visor for stick time only. we play scrimages and such too and I havent had any problems yet.Its probably not the smartest thing to do though.

I think it depends on your state laws and rink rules more than anything.

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Man you're too much of a trooper...hahaha

haha nice

yeah that's what i'm thinking. I know it's not so smart but it's mirrored and it's an itech pro wave and it just looks so amazing on my Rbk helmet. :lol:

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You can definitely wear a visor to most places (here that's the least required amount of protection you have to wear) to a pickup game or stick time. Some of my friends that aren't 18 yet use a visor sometimes, but they mostly use their regular helmets that use for leagues with full protection just because they don't want to buy two helmets or change out cages and visors all time..

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Im 15 and wear a visor at drop in and 3 on 3 stuff, havent taken a stick or puck yet. Some of the kids dont even wear visors that are below 18, but I guess its at your own risk.

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That's pretty sick and stylish! Some guys might give you crap about you trying to be Ovechkin (even though he doesnt wear that style), but screw 'em.

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you may want to check with the rink. Some rinks require minors to wear full cage protection for insurance reasons.

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I liked my HS22 mirrored, but the stupid league I'm playing in said that for safety reasons I wasnt allowed to wear it. So I moved to an HS22 straight cunt tinted, and it's maybe 1/4 as dark as the mirrored, pretty disapointing.

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Wow, what a story...

Man it looks sick...got a LOT of compliments at sticktime. The rink manager saw me and even said hi and didn't mention a thing about the visor. That's the good.


K about 20 min into sticktime i take a breakaway...after i veared(sp?) off to the corner and proceded to the middle of the ice to get another puck back. Well after I got another puck, to my suprise i get KONKED right above my mouth on the right side with a puck! The goalie basically just whipped a wrister out of the net after i took the breakaway. Yeah it was bleeding pretty bad, and has a pretty nasty cut and was swollen quite a bit...but didn't hurt one bit. All my teeth are still well in place and no damage done...except for my fat lip but oh well.

GREAT first experience with the half visor! :rolleyes: I doubt my mother will ever let me wear one again. :(

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Wow, what a story...

Man it looks sick...got a LOT of compliments at sticktime. The rink manager saw me and even said hi and didn't mention a thing about the visor. That's the good.


K about 20 min into sticktime i take a breakaway...after i veared(sp?) off to the corner and proceded to the middle of the ice to get another puck back. Well after I got another puck, to my suprise i get KONKED right above my mouth on the right side with a puck! The goalie basically just whipped a wrister out of the net after i took the breakaway. Yeah it was bleeding pretty bad, and has a pretty nasty cut and was swollen quite a bit...but didn't hurt one bit. All my teeth are still well in place and no damage done...except for my fat lip but oh well.

GREAT first experience with the half visor! :rolleyes: I doubt my mother will ever let me wear one again. :(


it never stops for you eh? :lol:

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just wait till you take a shaft to the grill, that was fun when it happened the first time.. but I had my mouthguard in and didn't loose any teeth. I've been hit in the face with sticks a couple times but never with a puck *knock on wood* I have an HS22 straight cut.. the visor does its job of keeping pucks/sticks away from your eyes.. in theory.

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sweet helmet edge!

Now I know what helmet and visor combi you're getting next, tsiarls79! Hahaha! You gotta grow your hair so you got the entire hockey hair-do flying when you do dem break-aways! :P

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Sorry to bump old topic but I need to clarify this.

Is there such rule that indicating visor permitted age (in Canada)?

If so, what's the age that is permitted?

EDT: This is an organized league and nobody told me that.

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From what I know you have to be playing junior hockey at whatever age if you want to wear one but you cant be an affiliate.. What league is it that might help. As you probably already know you have to be 16 or turning 16 to even play junior. Thats pretty much all i know . For any ice times other than my organized team i usually wear a visor and im only 15 turning 16 this year

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