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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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When will they learn?

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They've got a camera (with sound) on the Flames as tehy come out of the room...I think it was one of the assistant coaches doing the rah rah stuff...

"c'mon guys...quick and fast...aggressive"

As Roman Hamrlik walks by...he goes....

"C'mon Hammer...your a f'ing force out there"

Why do they keep doing the mic on live athletes when they have no control about what will be said. Have these guys never been near a room. They should know most of it isn't fit for airing. At least when they do those "Mic'd up" segments they have the opportunity to bleep out the good stuff...

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Not that I am a prude or anything....I have no problem with the F-bomb...(I use it quite often..probably too much) But, I don't think it necessarily belongs on National TV at 9:00 PM.

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I actually noticed that a couple games ago they did mute the audio while they were coming out of the room. I think its cool to hear the crowd as you watch them walk out though.

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did you guys hear michael nylander say shit during a live interview a couple weeks ago after a game on NBC. I thought it was pretty funny, not because im immature or anything, but the whole NBC crew said like 5 times that they don't supports anything nylander says and yadda yadda yadda. I didn't think it was such a big deal, he barely let it out before he caught himself.

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i saw the nylander one and started cracking up, i was like "wow did he just say that?" and then the commentators joked around about it and were like "i think that was french."

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it was about someone teaching him french then he swore and then the interviewer was like "wow did he just say that?"

(i think)

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I always love it when someone manages to slip a few real-life words past this absolutely prudish censorship crap. People talk the way they talk, and everyone knows it. TV pretending that swear words (or human body parts, for that matter) don't exist doesn't serve society any benefits.

What I hate is when they run ads for horro movies during intermissions. I watch the games with my 6 and 8 year old sons. They've never had nightmares from hearing someone say "shit", but they have from the gory shit they see on TV.

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did you guys hear michael nylander say shit during a live interview a couple weeks ago after a game on NBC. I thought it was pretty funny, not because im immature or anything, but the whole NBC crew said like 5 times that they don't supports anything nylander says and yadda yadda yadda. I didn't think it was such a big deal, he barely let it out before he caught himself.

when anyone cusses on NASCAR, they say srry 50 times

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Personally I like it when I hear the guys swear. Sometimes I think most of the players are pre recorded machines

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did you guys hear michael nylander say shit during a live interview a couple weeks ago after a game on NBC.  I thought it was pretty funny, not because im immature or anything, but the whole NBC crew said like 5 times that they don't supports anything nylander says and yadda yadda yadda.  I didn't think it was such a big deal, he barely let it out before he caught himself.

when anyone cusses on NASCAR, they say srry 50 times

Well only after they get fined and loss of points. The NHL doesn't do anything.

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You see the F Bomb beeing said often when the cameras zoom in on the players but no sounds. I think people just don't care about hearing or seeing the word, they know it's just in the spirit of the moment.

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did you guys hear michael nylander say shit during a live interview a couple weeks ago after a game on NBC. I thought it was pretty funny, not because im immature or anything, but the whole NBC crew said like 5 times that they don't supports anything nylander says and yadda yadda yadda. I didn't think it was such a big deal, he barely let it out before he caught himself.

Unfortunately in the Sue happy United States, some whacked out group is going to sue NBC for letting it get on the air. Remember Janet's nipple

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did you guys hear michael nylander say shit during a live interview a couple weeks ago after a game on NBC.  I thought it was pretty funny, not because im immature or anything, but the whole NBC crew said like 5 times that they don't supports anything nylander says and yadda yadda yadda.  I didn't think it was such a big deal, he barely let it out before he caught himself.

Unfortunately in the Sue happy United States, some whacked out group is going to sue NBC for letting it get on the air. Remember Janet's nipple

I agree 110%. I don't blame the networks for going along with the rules ........ I hate the supposedly moral rules imposed by immoral politicians.

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did you guys hear michael nylander say shit during a live interview a couple weeks ago after a game on NBC.  I thought it was pretty funny, not because im immature or anything, but the whole NBC crew said like 5 times that they don't supports anything nylander says and yadda yadda yadda.  I didn't think it was such a big deal, he barely let it out before he caught himself.

Unfortunately in the Sue happy United States, some whacked out group is going to sue NBC for letting it get on the air. Remember Janet's nipple

There were no lawsuits but a number of people from an overzealous religious group filed hundreds of complaints. That one group is responsible for something like 3/4 of all complaints to the FCC.

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we should start sending complaints to allow the words. :D

I agree with that. Maybe write Anti-Flag and have them promote that on the Warped tour this summer. Once Bush is out of the white house, enough letters might even work. Off the hockey topic, HBO has a great show at times where they show what is broadcast around the rest of the world. It is amazing what isn't aired here.

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I just find the cultural differences so funny, the other week after the final game of the Swedish championships was over they interviewed some guy on the winning team almost immediately after the game was over, and he was like "We f'ing won and I'm so f'ing happy right now, I can't f'ing believe we f'ing won, this is too f'ing awesome". He probably cussed more in one sentence than all cussing combined on mainstream American television during an average year. And the probably funniest part about it is that nobody even cares about that stuff over here, and even make fun of the *beep* sound heard on imported American talk shows. So the cultural differences can be pretty interesting at times. :)

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