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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dolomite Shaft

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johnson74  Posted on May 21 2006, 05:38 PM

  I have an 85 flex synergy OPS and z-bubble, and my 85 flex dolomite shaft feels stiffer than both of those. I really like my dolomite paired with a dolomite robitaille. I use it over my z-bubble paired with sherwood wood blades (was my favorite stick before I got the dolomite, but it's still new so the verdict is completely out). I am thinking about ordering some christian tapered wood blades as I usually prefer wood blades. I like the shape of the shaft and the grip. I also like that it is a little stiffer than my sometimes noodly feeling z-bubble.

I just ordered a Smyth (LH) blade and 75-flex Dolomite shaft. At first I was going to just get the blade and put it in a cut-off M-1, but the guy at the LHS I went to said Dolomite blades won't fit into other tapered shafts because the hosel was smaller. Sounds like you're planning on putting the christian wood blades in your Dolomite shaft...has anyone else heard about what this guy was saying, Dolomite blades and shafts only going together?

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i put some non branded pro stock blade in the dolomite shaft and i had to force that thing in. when my lhs finally got the dolomite blades in, it went in really smooth. too easily. and after a game it got loose. so i put a piece of tape and extra glue on it and now it's fine. could be true. or that blade i got was just fat.

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You most likely stretched the shaft bacause the hosel was bigger

yeah that's what i am thinking too. but it wasn't too much. one strip of tape was all i needed. i just let everyone know in case they put another type of blade in the shaft that is tight. just a warning ;)

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