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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Safe P2P

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Does anyone know of any P2P program ( ie. Limewire, Ares) that is free of spyware and adware...my dad does not want me downloading Limewire again becuase he says it gave our computer bad shit....can anyone help?

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Ares. It's been working for me, and no adware that I am aware of. Though, if your getting music I suggest just using iTunes or Napster it's like $.70

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If he got billed $40, then your friend got the wrong one. Just don't get the one that makes you put in any personal information (Credit card numbers)

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all of mp3 is russian based and technically illegal, but its hard to regulate them. There has been cases where peoples credit cards have been charge thosands of dollars for undownloaded material.

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Limewire Pro doesn't have any spyware/adware/etc. You're "supposed" to pay to download it but there are ways to download it for free.

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shareaza... simply the BEST program out there. Open source, free and free of any ads, spyware, etc and connects to just about every network out there. You will not be sorry.

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