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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior still making Inno 1100

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I just bought two Inno 1100 sticks that were ordered from Warrior. The funny thing is I thought that the Inno sticks were done. Are these back stock items or is Warrior still labeling Inno graphics on sticks?

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Same sticks, just different gfx and a new marketing campaign (that is obviously working.. warrior is all the hoopla with the kiddies these days).

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Same sticks, just different gfx and a new marketing campaign (that is obviously working.. warrior is all the hoopla with the kiddies these days).

He's saying that he bought sticks marked as Inno 1100's from Warrior, not Warrior branded sticks..........

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Yes, I ordered some Inno 1100s brand new and was surprised that they were still making them. I didnt know if they were old inventory or what the deal was. Imo, I think the Inno graphics look better anyhow.

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They had the 1100s in the Warrior; Drapper, Fedorov, Kovalev, Mccarty, and Jovanoski curves.

Did they have any blades Ive been looking for a jovanoski, kovalev blade for my dolimite?

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Yes, I ordered some Inno 1100s brand new and was surprised that they were still making them. I didnt know if they were old inventory or what the deal was. Imo, I think the Inno graphics look better anyhow.

most likely back stock.

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