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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tps Adrenaline?

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Feel is unbelieveable. Shooting is nice, has nice kick to it. Highlty reccomend

Agreed 100%. Great durability, feel and performance. The stick is just phenominal, an all around GREAT stick.

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Only great things I have to say about this stick, loved it to death. Superb feel, best feeling stick I have had (Rubber response, vapor xxx, R2xn10 w/ syn blade) Shooting was also nice, good kick, really felt an improvement in snappers, but that could possibly be me using a whip flex. Durability was good compared to my other sticks, this one lasted me a good 4-5 months til the blade split, and then I just used err as a shaft.

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I've been using a pro stock Adrenaline for about a month now. Nice puck feel and well balanced.

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I want to try the pulse, but i veered away from mission because of that stupid 65 flex. I like my sticks really short and even if i cut the 65, itd be wayyy to whippy

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i have been using a pro stock for most of the year (along with a few other sticks) and truly love it ...something about the stick makes taking passes easier than some other OPS i have used...it almost feels like a wood blade

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Who on here had the XN10 responses with the P31 curve? If they made the adrenaline with that curve I would for sure buy it.

PS: Apologize for kind of hijacking the thread.

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i have been using a pro stock for most of the year (along with a few other sticks) and truly love it ...something about the stick makes taking passes easier than some other OPS i have used...it almost feels like a wood blade

exactly what i noticed too. I even think it sounds more like a wood stick to me.

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I want to try the pulse, but i veered away from mission because of that stupid 65 flex. I like my sticks really short and even if i cut the 65, itd be wayyy to whippy

This is my problem too. Their other intermediate sticks are 75, but the Pulse is 65. Who knows why.

I love the TPS whip flex and would probably choose the adrenaline over the pulse if the 65 doesn't replicate the TPS whip.

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