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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Havoc one peice composite stick

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My Local Shop just got a few of these in and to me they felt really shody. A few things I noticed were that the didn't have end caps, just super tall, and they felt really square, bigger then normal. Also the curves were ridiculous, the Modano was a huge heel curve, like bigger then a Bauer Linden, and the Sakic has the same curve except much bigger. Super Heavy too! they felt like the had that hespeler grip, like sand paper. Asking 136 dollars too! I was thinking it would be a perfect stick for Roller. I was wondering if there were any reviews on them or if any of you have also seen them and what you thought about it.

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Bauer is making a price point stick (Vapor V) it will go for $79.99 US in our store. The prices on the Easton sticks are going insane. Theyre jacking up all of thier prices, and getting quite greedy. If you want a price point stick check out the Vapor V.

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Best stick I've seen at the $100 price point is the Hespeler. Someone posted about it a week or so ago.

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i think the bauer vapor V is pretty impressive for $80. i havent

seen a hespler around my shops so i cant comment on that. but i take

JR's word on it.i might try a vapor V if i got some cash laying around

...but since i just bought a hull tru-flex i wont need a new stick any time soon(i hope)


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I would think there would be a much better alternative to the Havoc. Generally around here at least one LHS will be clearing out a certain brand of OPS that isn't a "pricepoint stick" but will be cheaper than the havoc. Kind've like the TFGs right now.

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I would think there would be a much better alternative to the Havoc. Generally around here at least one LHS will be clearing out a certain brand of OPS that isn't a "pricepoint stick" but will be cheaper than the havoc. Kind've like the TFGs right now.

exactly. My LHS has m1, m1 grips and last years responses all for 89.95$. but i remember the tru flex being the same price as the havoc?

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It would be a decent roller hockey stick if you were to buy it, Since the blade has abs it will give it more durablity on roller surfaces and the taper flex will make it some what Synergy but I agree with everyone, the stick is overpriced for a price point stick. I am also very tried of Easton jacking up there prices. For roller you dont even need an OPS, a good abs blade plus a decent shaft is all you need.

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140 CDN should be in the middle of price point stick range. 100 - 150 Max


For those interested, I was checking out E-Puck and they have a bunch of sticks on Sale right now in the 100 and under USD price range. Some great deals to be had.

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Should be, but generally aren't. The majority of price point stick I've seen, have been in the 170ish range. Canadian obviously.

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My Local Shop just got a few of these in and to me they felt really shody. A few things I noticed were that the didn't have end caps, just super tall, and they felt really square, bigger then normal. Also the curves were ridiculous, the Modano was a huge heel curve, like bigger then a Bauer Linden, and the Sakic has the same curve except much bigger. Super Heavy too! they felt like the had that hespeler grip, like sand paper. Asking 136 dollars too! I was thinking it would be a perfect stick for Roller. I was wondering if there were any reviews on them or if any of you have also seen them and what you thought about it.

I was very disappointed to see how bad these sticks were finished. One of my LHS bought these and I am still trying to figure out what they were thinking here.

I think a better route for them to go would have been to do a Typhoon in a OPS, with the hybrid blade. I think that would be interesting to see, if, they can figure out how to keep the blade stiff for a decent period of time.

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I wish it was Murphy but any full composite ops around these parts (or pretty much anywhere in Canada) is even remotely close to $140 cad without some sort of blowout or clearance sale. Hell, something like an ultralite shaft already costs $105. That's before the 14.5% tax too.

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I would agree with your comments. But that should be in the past.

2004 should be the year that you start seeing better qualitly products at prices below 140 (CAD).

Would love look back at this topic in 6 months. See the results.

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i find i can always rely on cyclone or the hockey shop to have some sort of a deal on an ops as i live in bc as well

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