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Senior Skip Day

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Today was senior skip day at our school and teachers dont really plan anything because they know no one is going to show up. I know there are a few cops around town and if they catch you you can't go on the senior trip,so I was wondering how your school handles senior skip day?

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*senior cut day

If a cop catches you, you tell them your parents called you out, not rocket science.

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shit we dont have anything like that around here that i know of. alot of people skipped last class today becuase it was so nice tho.

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My school didn't really care. The cops are really out looking for students just hanging out during the day? Hell, the public school seniors here all went to class from like 10-12 spring term.

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my school senior skip day you are excused. No senior shows up, and no senior gets in trouble. You can make up anything you miss, though teachers don't plan anything really that they require seniors to make up. And if seniors have a 3.0 or higher, and don't have more than 1 unexcused absence, then they don't have to take final exams. I guess it's kinda nice, I'll find out next year.

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Our teachers didn't care last year, they told us that they weren't planning any classes because they knew we weren't gonna be there. We all went golfing and got trashed, it was a great day to cut school.

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We planned ours AFTER the senior trip. There is a threat of not walking across the stage. That was our threat, but the whole Senior class did it (accept like 4 kids) and they weren't going to have everyone, appx. 250 kids, not walk across the stage. We all got detentions ie: Eat lunch with a teacher. So there was really no harm done.

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Teachers mostly didn't care. But many of the teachers were handing out lots of bonus points for showing up which helps with the final scores on our transcripts since most of us stopped studying, etc.

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Towards the end of the year there are a lot senior skip days.. we just had one right before prom a little over a month ago.. There will be more since school is nearing an end..

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What now? Last time I skip class was prom day. Went to play some drop-in hockey during the day and to prom at night...

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