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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Do any of you paintball if so' did you ever use a Tippmann 98 custom compared to any other paintball guns.

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98 Custom is a pretty decent gun to start with. Good platform to add more mods and stuff. Spyders are nice too, and I think they look cooler. But if you can, move up a notch and get the Tippman A-5

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Woodsball is like playing in the woods. Speedball is the tournament stuff with the blow up bunkers and small distances. Tippman seems more suited for woodsball...a Spyder resembles what a lotta pros use for speedball.

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adn speedball as the name implies is alot faster paced and a think on your feet kinda deal but woodsball is a slower more strategic and open spaced playing field

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In my experience Tippmanns are just as good and reliable as Spyders... if not more so. True... tippys are considered more of a woodsballer gun, but don't let that stop you from playing speedball or whatever with one.

98 Customs are solid and great performers, which is probably why a lot of fields use them as rental guns.

Have fun and keep yer goggles on!

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I really like the Smart Parts Ion. It a good gun and you can get them fairly cheap on eBay.

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Tippmann 98 customs are good guns, especially for someone just starting out. There are very durable, easy to dismantle and clean, and perform well enough. They can also be customized easily, and there are many parts available for them when you want to increase performance.

How much are you looking to spend on a gun?

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i have played once for a whole day. playe dwoodsball and speedball. it was so hot outside (92 degrees) lost 2-3 pounds in 6 hours. Anyway i used a Tippman 98, and i thought it was pretty good.

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I played pretty serious speedball/tourny ball(like you see on ESPN every once in a while now) but stopped a few months ago because it was way too expensive. Paintball is an awesome sport but you have to have $$$ to play it.

I had an 06 Nexus Ego by the way which is a VERY expensive gun. They run about 1200-1600 bucks US about...plus paint every weekend, and other gear you can see why i had to stop. I miss it like hell though, I was on a team and everything, it was a blast. :(

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been playing since i was 10, started off with an AGD Minimag, moved on to a Smart Parts 2k2 Shocker, then a Vaporized Bushmaster, finally on to a WDP Angel iR3, after needing money for other things i'm down to just the Minimag cause it was a gift, but this december I plan to get the Dye DM6(or 7 if there is one). I'm more into the X-Ball, AirBall tourny stuff so for me I wouldn't touch a Tippman of any kind cause it just wouldn't suit my needs. But just like hockey equipment pb guns are all personal preference, each have their own +/-'s, just do yourself a favor and don't fall for marketing hype on accuracy, all paintball guns are equally accurate with equal conditions(i.e. paint size to barrel diameter and velocity)

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Woodsball is like playing in the woods. Speedball is the tournament stuff with the blow up bunkers and small distances. Tippman seems more suited for woodsball...a Spyder resembles what a lotta pros use for speedball.

there is only one pro-team that uses spyders and that is because they are paid to do so, most pros will be using SP Shockers, Dye Matrices, Bob Long Timmies, Eclipse Egos, or WDP Angels, there will of course be other varieties but the majority will be one of those 5 types...

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Paintball is an awesome sport but you have to have $$$ to play it.

Good thing you chose to stick w/ hockey since it is so cheap :lol:

When I was looking for a gun for a newb I decided on the Tippman 98 Custom over the Spyder...based on tons of research and forum surfing.

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The 98C is the AK47 of paintball. Extremely durable, easy to maintain and readily upgradable. If you are playing rec then the 98C will be all you ever need, unless you want an electro marker. You can buy a response trigger for the 98 that will bump up your rate of fire to 8-10 bps. I used to play every weekend at fields and with a bunch of my buddies in the woods. I bought a new barrell, put on a double trigger and shortened the trigger pull and was good to go. I went toe to toe with timmy's, autcockers and the like and fared well. The best thing about the 98 is that even after a long day it will work unlike some of the higher end stuff that has to be cleaned and coddled.

P.S. the flatline barrell is pretty cool to

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That's a pretty agreeable assesment OkSt. Personally, I like the Spyders, that Diablo one you got there doesn't look too bad. But for the lower price you can get a nice kit with that Spyder or the Diablo which might suit a beginner. Plus, the guns have a coupe more features that you might not have with the 98, like the expansion chamber. Also the electro trigger is pretty nice. But if you really wanted a 98..I'd pay a little more and get the Tippman A-5.

Yeah the Flatline for the Tippman is sweettt

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The 98C is the AK47 of paintball. Extremely durable, easy to maintain and readily upgradable. If you are playing rec then the 98C will be all you ever need, unless you want an electro marker. You can buy a response trigger for the 98 that will bump up your rate of fire to 8-10 bps. I used to play every weekend at fields and with a bunch of my buddies in the woods. I bought a new barrell, put on a double trigger and shortened the trigger pull and was good to go. I went toe to toe with timmy's, autcockers and the like and fared well. The best thing about the 98 is that even after a long day it will work unlike some of the higher end stuff that has to be cleaned and coddled.

P.S. the flatline barrell is pretty cool to

sure it works, but is a lot slower, along with many other things. I dont think you can beat if for recball. to whoever was considering a DM6, make sure you have a new model one. I bought one when they first came out and it chopped like no other. I think they fixed the eyes though recently. I personally love Egos. They're so reliable for high end guns.

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I'm pretty sure I've read they fixed it, I know a lot of people were modding their 6's with DM5 eyes or TAG Laser eyes for the other model DMs, but I'm sure by the time I get around to playing again a whole new gun will be out by then.

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That Pilot ACS is going to chop balls like mad even if it totes the ACS bolt. If you're going to buy an electric gun and aim to shoot upwards of 7+ bps, you're going to need an electric hopper too. Chances are you're going to need to upgrade your barrel too because th stock barrel is basically a piece up of cheap, rolled-up aluminum. So if money is an issue, be sure to take into account the aftermarket upgrades you'll need to buy as well.

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I really like the Smart Parts Ion. It a good gun and you can get them fairly cheap on eBay.

I've also heard a lot of good things about the Ion. A lot of people use them down here. It's fairly inexpensive, easily upgradeable, and low maintenance based on what people have told me about them.

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