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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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OKay i do some basic Stretching before the game starts. since i decided to get my fat ass into shape this summer, what are a few Stretches i could do to increase my flexability and to take away my groin strain probloms? thanks

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I do the same warmup stretches whether I'm playing in net or out. On all fours and push knees down and out. from same position kick out right leg and hold then the other. then in the same basic position only with toe pointing up touch lean down towards my toe. lower back roll (looks like you're tired after humping the ice on last time). When playing goalie I'll also add a couple butterflys and then after the last butter fly do some kicks, (it's normally on kicks and spliting stretches across the crease where I've ended up feeling my groin pop a bit, just bothersome hasn't been anything serious yet) as I figure doing a one leg kick or extentsion from the butterfly puts the most strain on my groin, but that's a personal thing.

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I do basically the same thing(in a different order) but add in a split to both sides.

But if you're looking for tips your best bet is to check out the forums on goaliestore.com

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Check out the stretching here:


Going to Phisio for my back, my PT finally taught me how to stretch properly for flexability. 60-120 seconds of slow progressive stretching and my hamstrings are as flexable as I've been since I think I was 21. Stretching wrong is a wast of time. Learn how to stretch properly is a wise investment of time.


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Go to a martial arts store and get yourself one of their stretching machines. They are absolutely the best tool.

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